
1189 Results for " %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%EB%A7%88%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%80 %E2%9E%A6 %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%E1%99%95 %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%EC%98%A4%ED%94%BC%EC%95%88%EB%82%B4%E1%99%95 %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%ED%9C%B4%EA%B2%8C%ED%85%94 %EC%B2%AD%EC%A3%BC%ED%82%A4%EC%8A%A4%EB%B0%A9 %ED%83%80%EC%9E%84"

  • Noobs Arduino Chess Clock

  • Revision one will be all breadboarded. -- Basic code for player's times and reset. Revision two will use dedicated Arduino board. -- Simple case -- Add additional chess timing methods. Revision three will be PCB'ed properly. -- Custom case and switches....
  • Hacker Calculus

  • For the last two years, we have explored how to create hands-on models to help people learn math and science. Our book 3D Printed Science Projects was published by Apress in 2016, with a second volume in late spring 2017.  Each chapter explains...
  • Hacker Calculus

  • For the last two years, we have explored how to create hands-on models to help people learn math and science. Our book 3D Printed Science Projects was published by Apress in 2016, with a second volume in late spring 2017.  Each chapter explains...
  • Tetent UMPC [gd0149]

  • Navigation Prior Reading [R] UMPC idea: Leti Contents The title tag system is explained here, and the table is updated when a change occurs. Notable logs have bold L# text. L1[R] Initial Project ResearchL2[R] 5G Celluar ConnectivityL3[R] DIY...
  • Arduino Line Follower Robot

  • COMPONENTS AND SUPPLIES Arduino UNO & Genuino UNO×1SparkFun Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298×1Proximity Sensor×1 APPS AND ONLINE SERVICES Arduino IDE ABOUT THIS PROJECT Line Follower Robot Best & Fast PCB Supplier (2$ for 10 PCBs)
  • CoffeeOfThings

  • Hardware:- The necessary components for the MSP430 to be operational are quite simple: only a CR2032 battery for power, two decoupling capacitors, a pull-up resistance on the RST pin. Note some pins connected to TX, TEST, RST and GND have been soldered...