
1014 Results for "IoT"

  • The Open Source Autarkic Motherboard

  • 3-11-2024 See these two 2011 Liliputing and TechCrunch articles, which were partly the inspiration for this project: (6-4-11)...
  • Blues, Where's My Car?

  • Story When people think about asset trackers, typically they think about tracking things that should move: planes, trains, and automobiles. What we don't think about as frequently is keeping track of things that shouldn't move: statues,...
  • Flex Modules

  • The general goal is to make a 'kit' of reusable components for wearables.Bluetooth BLE is the standard for communications. WiFi, etc. require too much power and anyone with a wearable likely has an Android or iOS phone. All wired connections are USB...
  • One Fridge off the Grid

  • [UPDATE] Now using MKR1000 to control the UNplug unitI replaced the Particle Core with an Arduino MK1000 for several reasons:The pricing policy for a production run with more than 25 units is locking the user into a monthly subscription to access to...
  • IAMCIty = )

  • Secure #IoT Idea #IAMCIty * For “Intelligent Autonomous system for Monitoring and Control of Intersection”* Brought to life through #2015HackadayPrize contest.* Ultimate goal of this Hackaday Project as such will be #IAMCIty Proof of Concept...
  • Wink Hub Hacking

  • So for me this all started with just wanting my porch lights to automatically turn on at dusk and off at dawn. A day/night sensor ~should~ be the easy solution, but neither fixture would accommodate one, and given that I rent my house, I couldn't just...
  • RPi WiFi

  • When the Raspberry Pi Zero was announced, a significant chunk of the hacker world dismissed it for having the same fatal flaw as the other Pis: only one USB host port for high speed I/O.Network connectivity is a major reason that people base projects...
  • micro HTTP server in C

  • If you need a very-high throughput or a multithreaded web server to host data for everyone on the web, look at Apache (with CGI), NGINX or However they are limited by the CGI's basic inability to preserve a...