
199 Results for "OpenCV"

  • Skellington Watches You

  • Parts:Pi Zero W (with wireless): Servo bonnet: to Barrel Jack cable: NoIR Camera (camera...
  • Ping Pong Pi

  • I started thinking about a ping pong ball juggler 2 years ago. And it was around that time that I built the first one of them. it uses LED - Photo transistor pairs to "see" when and approximately where the ball comes down. I used 4 micro servos to move...
  • 3D Printer Home

  • Object: Create a safe box for home made appliances.Requirement 1: a fireproof box that will alarm if there is a fire insideRequirement 2: Soundproof a nosey appliance e.g. a safe place to keep a mains power, china box I don't trust.Requirement 3: monitor...
  • Sun-Tracking Solar Steam Turbine

  • This is a first post to get stuff out, I'll briefly run over the details available right now.First, a more comprehensive description, and then I'll get into the specifics of the different aspects of this design. The premise of this is to generate steam...
  • prism laser scanner

  • The goal of this project is to develop a laser head for 3D printing or PCB manufacturing which uses a rotating prism and is easy to assemble. Cyanotype paper is currently used as it can be developed with water. Specifications Specifications are determined...
  • Robo-Dog

  • IntroductionSome of the work on this technology started back in 2013, when I built a custom Robo-dog as a proof of concept. We'll call it version 1. It also became featured on Hackaday, unfortunately Mike Szczys only focused on the bluetooth remote control,...
  • SNAP: Augmented Echolocation

  • Advancements in independence for people who are blind began cropping up shortly after World War I, due to the prevalence of war related injuries and through necessity as city streets began filling with automobiles. In 1928, Morris Frank introduced the...
  • Advanced tracked LEGO vehicle

  • So what is the current status of the project and what it can do at the moment?  As is mention in the description the vehicle has a rather advanced transition that is composed of substractor mechanism using Sariel's (a famous LEGO Technic creator)...
  • Intra Row Weeder

  • Agriculture is the most important sector in the Indian economy. Indian agricultural sector accounts for 18% of India's GDP. Vegetable crop production is the backbone of Indian agriculture. It produces 14%(146.55 million tonnes) of world’s vegetables...
  • LED Touch Matrix - Raspberry Pi

  • The base glass like material is plexiglass. The plexiglass is carved in a matrix like structure to give it a cool look. Each carved line below the plexiglass has a silver conductive wire glued to it. This entire array of wires connected together,...
  • Laser Blaster

  • Play the Atari 2600 with a laser gun! How It Works A Jetson Xavier NX is running the game Atlantis on the Stella Atari 2600 emulator. A projector is displaying the game on a wall. A camera connected to the Jetson is continually capturing images...