
524 Results for "%s"

  • Fathom-S topside assembly

  • Cut a ~10cm length of the tether cable and strip it down to the pairings. Strip the ends and tin one end of each wire as shown below. Solder the other end into a breadboard and also solder an 8 pin male KK series connector. Make sure that the wires and...
  • Programming

  • Copy the python code from project's repository onto your D1 Mini using Adafruit's Ampy utility. Plug the D1 Mini into the PCB.
  • Solder keys

  • Plug the mechanical switches without any particular order into the board and solder it's two pads to the PCB.
  • PCB Wiring

  • The easy way out and to save hassles of soldering, you could probably use the Wemos's OLED Display addon. But the addon screen is just 0.66". There are larger displays availble, but you need to get your hands dirty and make the connections. The Wemos...
  • Numican

  • Order PCB's and parts. elecrow/seeedstudio/dirtyPCB's can all make these boards and other manufactures should also have no issues with them. Parts can be bought from Farnell. The BoM file lists the Farnell numbers. A few parts like the numitrons can...
  • USB PD Bench Power Supply

  • Wire all the pieces together. One red and one black wire connect the PD Buddy Sink to the DPH3205's power input, and one red and one black wire connect the DPH3205's power output to the binding posts. Plug the DPH3205 panel into the DPH3205 PCB, taking...
  • PCB Top

  • We’ll populate only the top of the board – it’s the side with the KASSER SYNTHS and ARCADE YM2151 logos. Here’s a shot of the completed board for reference.