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  • Barnabas-Bot

  • 1: Getting Started with ProgrammingOverviewRobots, just like us, need to know what to do! We have put our robot's body as well as heart system together. We even connected our brain. We need to program our robot, but before we do that, we need to connect...
  • Circuit Schematic

  • The LM555 has a maximum typical supply voltage rating of 16V while the relay's armature coil is enabled at 12V. Hence a 12V power supply is used to minimize the number of components such as linear voltage regulators. When pin 2 of the LM555 is triggered...
  • PureData Patch explained / Programming

  • As soon as you open the { Pimp my 3D-Printer WIN} folder, you will see the following directory:   There you will find our instruments, the zither, ukulele and güiro, each in the form of a Pd patch. We will first explain how to control...
  • BOB PID Servo Controller

  • OperationTTL Serial 38400 N 8 2 X-ON/X-OFF: Connect a USB (or RS-232) to TTL serial converter to the J2 connector. e.g. FTDI Friend, RLC3 Again, pin 4 "TX" is data FROM the USB/Host going TO the PID controller. RX is TO USB/Host FROM PID controller....
  • Getting to Blinky!

  • After all that work, we are finally ready to compile and program our first application! Let's blink an LED! Various ESP boards have LEDs on different pins. The Feather HUZZAH has one on GPIO0, and another on GPIO2. The SparkFun Thing has one on GPIO5....
  • laptop2pi

  • These instructions assume some familiarity with the Pi and it's command line. You're also going to be disassembling the laptop, cutting bits away, and soldering. Make sure you're comfortable with that.PREPARE THE SD CARD FOR THE ZERODownload the latest...
  • Open the Processing program

  • Once the Arduino code is uploaded, download and open the processing code. Again set the same baud rate and mention the correct com port as you did earlier. import processing.serial.*; int DistanceUltra; int IncomingDistance; Serial myPort; String DataIn;...