
802 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 셔츠룸가격ㅱ ╈proprietary8셔츠룸후기셔츠룸추천ヰamidst 선릉셔츠룸셔츠룸추천 셔츠룸추천※셔츠룸추천ㄴhandle㏉"

  • DIY SlingBox $30

  • And this is the left frame. flowplayer href="" style="display:block;width:320px;height:240px" id="player"> flowplayer("player", "flowplayer-3.2.11.swf");

  • Assemble the CUBEX Motherboard, MCU first, test by reading device ID using the ICSP port, then assemble the rest.
  • Make and Feel Virtual Drawings

  • Start drawing on Processing First lets create a code on Processing, which lets you draw freehand on the computer.Download Processing from .Here is the processing code:int prevX=mouseX, prevY=mouseY; //to record previous...
  • Make and Feel Virtual Drawings

  • Make Processing control Arduino THE FINAL PROGRAM:So,you have started drawing on Processing. Now, you'll 'feel' the drawing!Imagine you are blind (remember, this device was invented for blind people to draw on computers):How would you feel a raised line...
  • Make and Feel Virtual Drawings

  • Power to Servo motor So, we've written the code. Now start all wiring stuff:We have two options:Give 5V to servo motor from Arduino.Here, you can connect the servo motor ( attach a small fan to the motor ) to Arduino Uno. Servo motor has 3 wires: Connect...
  • Make and Feel Virtual Drawings

  • Hack a mouse (optional) Open the casing of the mouse, and remove the scroll roller.Now, you should have space to place the servo motor like in the picture.To paste servo motor on the mouse board, use a glue gun or double sided tape.Now, there should...
  • Pressure Cooker Vacuum Chamber

  • Step 1 - Assemble the fittingsLet's get the easy part out of the way first. For this step, you'll need your bag of fittings, the valves, the pressure gauge, a roll of teflon tape, and a crescent wrench.Assembling brass fittings is pretty easy, but...
  • Pressure Cooker Vacuum Chamber

  • Step 2: Prepare the pressure cookerNow for the fun part. In this step, you'll be drilling a hole in your nice shiny new pressure cooker. I know, it's tough, but it's for a good cause.You're going to need: A metalworking drill pressThe pressure cookerA...
  • Pressure Cooker Vacuum Chamber

  • Step 3: Install the bulkhead fittingThis step is very easy, but it's also your biggest potential leak. Don't worry about that too much now; leak hunting is great sport in the world of vacuum chambers, and there's plenty of time for it later. Find your...
  • Pressure Cooker Vacuum Chamber

  • Step 4: Copper tubing and compression fittings It's finally time to put the pieces together.Cut two lengths of copper tubing. One length connects the fittings assembly to the pressure cooker. The other, longer, length connects the fittings to the vacuum...