
857 Results for "%E3%80%8A%20%EC%98%88%EC%95%BD%EB%AC%B8%EC%9D%98%20OIO%E2%89%A1%E2%91%A7%E2%91%A389%E2%89%A183O%E2%91%A5%E3%80%8B%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%EA%B2%AC%EC%A0%81%E3%82%88%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8ago%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%E3%83%A1%EA%B0%95%EB%82%A8%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8eighty%20%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%CE%BA%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%E2%92%B2%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8%E3%83%A1%EF%BD%83%EC%84%A0%EB%A6%89%EB%A0%88%EA%B9%85%EC%8A%A4%EB%A3%B8literary"

  • Uploading the code

  • *** FIRST DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL THE PASSWORD AND KEYPAD LIBRARIES *** JUST EXTRACT THEM IN ARDUINO LIBRARIES FOLDER Install the above mentioned two libraries. You can download them directly from the library manager or you can download the zip file and...
  • Free run (optional)

  • Although optional, it is highly recommended to test the board so far with the free run test. Connecting the databus to the ground, the CPU will read in 0x0000.0000 as an instruction and will execute a kind of NOP (in fact, it will execute ORI.b #0,D0)....
  • ESP 8266 pin uses and restrictions

  • Not all ESP 8266's GPIOs are born equal, something I have now and then been banging my head at (and burned some ESPs). Some are hard wired for some use, like SPI clock and data, some wired to functionality like flashing and booting. For now Wemos D1...
  • Router Attack

  • 1. Connect buzzer to D7 and Ground2. Connect button to D6 and Ground3. Connect potentiometer to A0, 3.3v and Ground4. Connect battery to VIN and Ground5. Upload the code6. Print the case front7. Fit inside an Altoids can and you are ready
  • Understanding how to disconnect the speaker

  • moThe big black device in the middle of the printed circuit board (PCB) is the speaker (aka buzzer, or transducer). You can see a little slit in the one side where the sound comes out. There is a back side to the circuit board that you cannot easily...
  • I2C Sensors and debugging

  • I wanted to use a BMP280 I had in my parts bin for altitude measurements. I have used it in the past for a simple weather station and it works great! Turns out, it is even the go to sensor for Stratux, so I went ahead and plugged it in, activated it...
  • Controller

  • Then came the part of how to control a Raspberry Pi over WiFi, because Bluetooth has too little range. I decided on using a Flask server running on the Raspberry PI and an ESP8266 ESP12E module to send data to it. The ESP8266 only has one analog input,...
  • How to make 2d plane Five Link Mechanism

  • We make model with   LED display. We use folder tablet for paper as an base, and diagram millimeter paper. Let us see the schematics and the photo of the Model. We use plane We can tune the angles of servos   ϕ and ψ by...
  • Run a Program

  • #include int Read_Voltage = A1;int Read_Current = A0;const int rs = 2, en = 4, d4 = 9, d5 = 10, d6 = 11, d7 = 12; LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);float Voltage = 0.0;float Current = 0.0;float Power = 0.0;void setup() { lcd.begin(16, 2); Serial.begin(9600);...
  • The Spinning Spectrometer

  • Arduino Code// Arduino code for THE SPINNING SPECTROMETER // // This code is released under the beerware license: As long as you // retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we // meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth...
  • Attach the nosepoke wires to the LCD shield.

  • 1. Place three short pieces of heat shrink tubing around the bundle of 9 wires coming from the nose poke apparatus. Do not heat shrink these yet.  2. Route this bundle of wires underneath the relay module (you may want to unscrew it to do this). ...