
928 Results for "8-bit cpu"

  • Animatronic AVP Predator cannon

  • Cannon code- #include "Servo.h" // include the servo library Servo armServo; // servo to raise the arm Servo cannonServo; // servo to recoil cannon // these constants won't change: const int triggerSensor = 1; // the sensor is connected to analog pin...
  • Arduino Mystery Box

  • Coding the Arduino board: After complete wiring, you can pass on to programming the Arduino board. const int blitzled1 = 9; const int blitzled2 = 8; const int redled = 7; const int orangeled = 6; const int yellowled = 5; const int blueled = 4; const...
  • Code

  • ;P2.0 --------------- Enable LCD ;P2.1 --------------- RS LCD (0 Instrucción, 1 Dato) ;P3.4 --------------- ALTBTN (0 Si no está presionaldo alt, 1 si es que si)E EQU P2.0 RS EQU P2.1 ALTBTN EQU P3.4 DATAAV EQU P3.2 ORG 0000H LJMP INICIO ORG...
  • Code for the Arduino

  • Now download the code and install the mouse.h and keyboard.h libraries. Upload the code to your Arduino. You can copy the code from below. #include #include const int EMG = 2; //Emergency stop button :) const int L1 = 7; const int L2 = 8; const int P1...
  • Assembling the Dial

  • Step 1 Insert lipo battery into the battery holder Step 2 Solder five 150mm wires to +3, D-, D+, GND, and LED (TO MAIN BOARD).  Solder two 85-90mm wires to +3 and GND (TO SEC-ENC BOARD) Step 3 Solder five 150mm wires to M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 (TO...
  • Setting Up the PCB

  • After populating our custom PCB with the required components, we can move on to the next step that is programming and configuring the PCB to work. For programming our PCB we need a USB to FTDI Converter. Now we need to follow the steps given below to...