
1621 Results for ""

  • Deploy to OpenMV firmware and test it

  • To use the OpenMV firmware, you will need the OpenMV IDE installed in your computer. Once you have the IDE ready, if you check the downloaded zip folder you will find a number of files. We will need the following files: edge_impulse_firmware_arduino_nicla_vision.bin...
  • Part 6 - Arduino CODE

  • Now download the Arduino Code from below. Read the instructions in the code line by line. First, you have to change your wifi name and password. Then scroll down and in the http.begin function change the website from "" to the...
  • DIY CO2 Laser

  • Construction of the Anode and Cathode:This material is Copper 85% and Silver 15%. SILFOS.Here I have formed the Silfos around a pex barb fitting to achive this profile.I clamped the end of the Silfos to the pex fitting with needle nose vice grips and...
  • DIY electrically heated sauna

  • Some stoves come with temperature control, but mine didn't. There are dedicated sauna control panels with a timer and temperature control, but they cost upwards of £95. It should be possible to cobble one up myself for less.So I bought this from...
  • Configure Arduino IDE Tools Menu

  • Open Arduino IDE, (1)Board: ATtiny25/45/85 (2)Processor: ATtiny85 (3)Clock: Internal 1 MHz (4)Port: COMXX(Arduino Uno) (5)Programmer: Arduino as ISP Upload the below given code: /* Fading LED with ATtiny85 The analogWrite() function uses PWM, so if you...
  • PCB Design

  • I designed my PCB Christmas tree using Autodesk EAGLE. EAGLE is an electronic design automation (EDA) software enabling schematic diagrams design, component placement and PCB routing. I started the design by creating the schematic of the electronic circuit....
  • Unix on your breadboard

  • Transfer the Unix kernel on to the Fubarino. Connect the board via microUSB cable to your computer. To enter a bootloader mode, press the PRG key first, hold it, then press the RESET key. The LED will now flash and your Fubarino is ready to accept new...