
1621 Results for ""

  • Set Up XBees for MIDI

  • The XBees have to be configured to communicate at 31,250 baud, the standard MIDI communication rate. To do this, you will connect to them using the FTDI cable and a serial terminal program (such as RealTerm on Windows) and send some commands. Plug each...
  • Mechaduino

  • FIRMWARE:Next you need to install the firmware:The Mechaduino firmware can be compiled/edited/uploaded using the popular Arduino IDE: you have Arduino installed, you will need to add Arduino Zero support. Open...
  • Step - 4 : Upload Code

  • Open arduino ide and select board as arduino pro mini. also select correct com port and upload following code. /* Project : Obstacle Detector for Blind/Visually Impaired People by Cybernetics Robo Academy Credit...
  • Some troubleshooting tips

  • make sure the correct drivers for the specific arduino you have are installed, most of the arduino boards I have use the "ch340" , there is a sparkfun tutorial for the driver installation. You will need these drivers if the arduino appears on device...
  • Setup Hardware

  • Wire the hardware according to: The relay shown in the diagram is one of four relays on the relay hat.  I've broken it out in the diagram from the Raspberry Pi but it really sits on top of the Raspberry Pi so it's already wired to GPIO pin 37. ...
  • Programming

  • Click To Download The CodeOpen the .ino file in Arduino IDE.You have to change the deviceNo = 1/2/3/4/5 as per your device number.You can change the ClearColor = False, to make the changed colour in stay mode. //Change This Valuesint deviceNo = 1;         //Device...
  • POPgirl Enclosure Build

  • I made a status indicator that notifies me of my body's relative state of arousal! To help me visualize what's going on with the myriad of wearables I have set out to don at once, I've created an arm-mounted screen display that will tell me what I need...
  • Barnabas-Bot

  • 1: Getting Started with ProgrammingOverviewRobots, just like us, need to know what to do! We have put our robot's body as well as heart system together. We even connected our brain. We need to program our robot, but before we do that, we need to connect...
  • 2. Elephant Detector

  • Elephant detector software What are some of the approaches we can use to make an elephant detector with CNs? Elephant Detector Approaches using CNs #software...