
27106 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉강남초원의집㉩⅓everythingァ강남유흥강남룸㏁evidently 강남초원의집강남더킹 강남더킹‡강남룸Ⅹfaintly㈆"

  • How to flash ATtiny

  • Here is pinout for AVR ISP programmer - unsolder battery and power up 3V pins to programmer 5V, MI->MISO programer(Arduino digital Pin 11), MO->MOSI(digital Pin 12), CK->SCK(digital Pin 13) RS->Reset(digital Pin 10) and GD-> programmer GND. How to flash...
  • Find and replace

  • SearchReplace withNumber of expected changes/my_custom_url/PRIVATE/db_config.phpThe real URL of your db_config.php file10dbs12345678The name of your database2Europe/ParisYour TimeZone. The list of supported time zones can be found at:
  • Transfer Your .php Pages

  • Your customized version of Lean-C IOT MES is ready to be deployed on your server! Use your preferred FTP transfer software to upload your files online. Log in to the interface using the 'Admin'/'Admin' account. Create your users and don't forget to delete...
  • Connecting the Screen

  • Now solder the screen to the Raspberry Pi as show here and solder two wires for usb like here:And fold the Pi over so it sits like this: