
139 Results for "Reverse Engineering Blood Glucose Monitors"

  • Get car reversing kit

  • Firstly you will need to get the £10 car reversing kit off ebay. The type you want has 4 ultrasound transducers. You don't need the ones with video cameras etc. Beware that the control circuit will need some modifications which will stop it working...
  • Code Explanation

  • setup(): This function is called once when the Arduino starts.It sets up the pin modes for the "Next" and "Previous" buttons, initializes serial communication, and attaches interrupt service routines to these buttons.It initializes the DFPlayer module,...
  • Battery Tutorial for SG circuit

  • Greetings fellow Enthusiasts Let me introduce myself. I'm Bones MacGyver. I like to make sparks.I'm going to do my best to help out the community with their battery woes.By no means am I a battery expert. But I have used and abused MANY Ni-Cd cells (and...
  • Finish the mechanical build.

  • Insert five additional wires through the grommet on the top cover of the box. I cut over-sized wires so I can cut them to size later. The colors do not matter, but I like to have one red wire for the positive connection. On the top cover of the Raspberry...
  • Electrical Connections

  • Part List One TI Quad Op-Amp (TL074CN) – Ebay Four 10 kΩ Resistors – Ebay One 10 MΩ Resistor – Ebay One Stepper Motor Controller – Sparkfun part number: ROB-11699 One 12V/1A power supply – Ebay Four 9V battery plugs – Ebay Four 9V batteries...
  • Fading an LED

  • In Part 1 of this series, we used an online build service to create our firmware. One of the modules we selected was the PWM module. This module allows us to configure PWM on any of the available GPIO pins which support it. We can configure the frequency...
  • laptop2pi

  • These instructions assume some familiarity with the Pi and it's command line. You're also going to be disassembling the laptop, cutting bits away, and soldering. Make sure you're comfortable with that.PREPARE THE SD CARD FOR THE ZERODownload the latest...
  • Program the Microcontroller

  • Before mounting the prototype PCB to the housing, I recommend uploading the required sketch to the ATtiny84 microcontroller with a programmer of your choice. I used a USBtinyISP type shown in the picture. /*Sketch for the Scary Cat Project by Gene H*/...