
12 Results for "ULN2003"

  • Connections to the Arduino

  • As you can see in the table on the notebook, solder the wires on the ULN2003 driver boards and connect them to the corresponding Arduino pins. The detector and the stepper motor, most below positioned, are for the seconds gear. The detector and the stepper...
  • RigTig's Big 3D Printer

  • Lots to say here, but not done yet. Very briefly: + 3D print plastic pieces+ load program to WiFi boards (EPS8266) for steppers + fit BYJ28 stepper motors and wire up the ULN2003 driver boards + WiFi + attach 3 motor blocks to walls (or other high supports)+...
  • Wiring Instructions

  • 1. Plug the 28BYJ-48 Stepper Motors in to the ULN2003 stepper Drivers. one will be used to roll the paper along the y-axis and one will be for moving the 'print head along the x axis. 2. Connect the x axis driver to the arduino from its pins...
  • Stylin' safety jacket.

  • Next I breadboarded up the shift registers to my Trinket and then to the matrix display. I used a handful of assorted transistors that were inside the clock for circuit protection, but I'll only post this circuit on request for two reasons: It seems...
  • Get All the Stuff

  • For this project, you will need: An Arduino microcontroller boardA PS/2 touchpad from a laptop(Try to get one with a Synaptics chip onboard)*A ULN2003 stepper motor driver(For unipolar stepper motors(5-wire))*An L298N stepper motor driver(For bipolar...
  • Assemble the clock mechanism

  • Start 3D printing the frame of the clock mechanism. You always need to print two of the frame parts. If you want to build a single sided clock, you only need to print one detector and one holder. Take the 28BYJ-48 5V stepper motors with the UNL2003 driver...
  • Electronics

  • Board Schematics You can find the PDF in the files section. Subsystems Power 12V needs to be provided by an external power supply with at least 3A (real) to deal with servo peaks current while pressing the label. It supplies both the stepper drivers...
  • Step 1 Hardware Hook-Up

  • Since our object is to drive an actual stepper motor with an Arduino, we'll need some hardware. Before we jump into the software, we need to connect our motor and driver to the Arduino. I'll also briefly discuss the driver and motor types and their strengths...
  • Instructions:

  • Step 1: Gather Your Components Laser XY Scanner - BOM I usually like to source my parts from DigiKey, but the low-cost options on Amazon are hard to beat sometimes. This list is just one of many sources for each component in the BOM. There are of...