
19513 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 셔츠룸ヒ 《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 ㎛beforehandム셔츠룸후기셔츠룸후기╇pen 선릉셔츠룸셔츠룸가격 셔츠룸‰강남셔츠룸㉦nestㅳ"

  • HOW TO

  • Cheap DIY button PCBI didnt want to pay 10€ or more for a custom button PCB so i came up with my own solution.I am centanly not the first one doing it like this, but wanted to show you how i did.I used the same method for the front button, but...
  • Challenges in sensing foot pressure

  • This project presents several challenges but the first one I grappled with was a good way to cheaply sense the distribution of body weight to the ground through the different parts of the foot. I was sent this paper which is a good literature review...
  • Better lion machine interface

  • Lions long dreamed of fully proportional steering & throttle.  You can't buy the ergonomic knobs & sticks in game controllers as standalone parts. The mechanicals have to be custom designed. The only standardized parts are hall effect sensors...
  • PCB Assembly and Firmware

  • I finally got the boards assembled and have completed usable firmware that does more than just test out the display. I may be biased but I am liking what I created. The current firmware (available on GitHub if you want to see my inefficient coding skills)...
  • Progression of a PCB

  • While designing our Digital Test PCB (which I'll be posting about in detail in a day or two), I decided to take a couple screenshots of the board as I worked on it, thinking it might be fun to see how it comes along. In the center of the board...
  • 20 YEARS

  • I was one lucky bugger in my youth in that I had a buddy who worked at HP and brought me surplus gizmos [I thought] he acquired for dollars... As I recall, he brought me two flatbed plotters, two 8.5in floppy drives, an ISA HPIB card with full manual...
  • Does It Measure Up?

  • How are we going to make a mod PCB without the original design files? Well here's my trick for doing so. There's possibly a better way, but this is a super simple method of getting things pretty close. Firstly, make sure to label all the cables so things...
  • First Assembly

  • I assembled the first PicoPew today, and it worked on the first try! That made me happy. The only thing that didn’t work right was that I had the X and O buttons swapped, which was a simple fix in the software since the GPIO assignment is arbitrary....
  • Schematic and PCP design

  • As usual I start with the creation of the schematic for a project. As already mentioned that the circuit is powered by two 1.5 V alkaline batteries. The LT1300 forms with L1, D1, C2 and C3 a 5V step-up converter. The 5V output voltage is guaranteed to...
  • Illustrator Outlines to Eagle - via dxf

  • This next method for me feel like the most flexible and requires the least steps. Todbot wrote this up in 2011 and it still works well. The ulp script is by Tim Ruetz. Let's look at our shield again, this is the number of control points I used to draw...
  • It pay of !

  • To keep it short : life is life. Demanding baby. Lot of time spent on solving problems at my job. Too much tired to work on my projects. But at lest i solved nearly all of the stacked problems at my job and my little boy gave me some space. So 6 weeks...
  • Just Checking

  • Before ordering PCB one should triple check everything. Apart from electrical rule cecking (ERC) the schemetic and design rule cecking (DRC) the layout, one should also check for mechanical fit. In our case we have to check that the connectors we placed...
  • Preliminary ezDisplay blocks

  • With a few hours free yesterday I decided to take an initial stab at implementing blocks for ezDisplay. First, a few concerns: Barnabas Blocks only supports the Arduino Nano and Uno and their functionality. I had to create a new board and set of blocks...