
432 Results for "『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 선릉셔츠룸㈄ 『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 Ηcake²셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸デwriter 셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸 선릉셔츠룸⒁셔츠룸사이즈┲exhausted⅔"

  • NEW: Evil Overlord Supports Many Minions

  • For a while now I've wanted to support many robots in Evil Overlord. To do this I need two things: (1) a way to select robots on the screen and (2) a context sensitive menu for each selected robot. I've had #2 for a while now. Today I got #1 working.Multi-tool...
  • Comparing D-DAQ's Performance Characteristics

  • I've talked a bit about the performance I want, need, and expect to have out of D-DAQ. I've mentioned a long lost digital gauge with no known good video footage for people to have a benchmark of. There is also a "high end" gauge setup a friend of mine...
  • Thermal Performance Testing, Part 2

  • TL;DR: back to the drawing board. Or maybe it's time to try for a hover test, and tell thermal issues to go to hell?I ran seven tests this evening. Main changes since yesterday:Increased the motor pwm signal to 110 degrees. I wanted to put some heat...
  • Need a new name!

  • Using Derek Molly's video (and some google searches and tweaking) I was finally able to get QTCreator running in an Ubuntu VM and can cross-compile and deploy to the BBB.I would document everything I did, but to be honest, I'm not sure what all I had...
  • a setup with webcam

  • So, this is the first time I was able to achieve a red-eye through an eyepiece! TADA!That bright blob is strong as hell - it's the reflection off eyepiece's lens' surfaces. But at the very least, the effect is there - it's in infrared, behind the eyepiece,...
  • The start of it all

  • I’ve been out of the maker game for a while but it seems that life is affording me some minute amount of time once again to do one of the things I love best – making useless stuff for no good reason but to have fun and just because I can. I’m hopeful...
  • September 20, 2015

  • This blog post is going to be a bit scattered. At this moment, I have a lot of projects at the 80% or a little more done, but nothing complete finished. I have been putting off any sort of update because I've been waiting to at least finish one or two...
  • October 1, 2015

  • I finished up that last 20% on a few of my projects the last few days. The solder paste dispenser and reflow oven are finished. Neither is particularly polished, but both work good enough. The reflow oven is really rough around the edges, and all around...
  • Log #12 Can you hear me now?

  • Not a whole lot to report yet. I've been working integrating a real time clock (RTCC) to my project, and optimizing my code that drives the LCD display. But one interesting thing did happen ... I got interviewed. Elecia White, one of the Hackaday Prize...
  • Dev Boards

  • So far I have an nrf51822 cheapy module. It was about £5 on ebay and has two lots of 18 anoying 1.27mm spaced DIL pins. I've read about people programming these with mbed generated code (
  • Research, research, research...

  • As with every great idea, someone had it long before you... However, that just let's you work harder to enhance those ideas and to twist and tweak them until you finally have something that is unique and outperforms everything else that's out there....