
127 Results for "Q%20%EC%95%88%EC%82%B0%EB%B8%94%EB%9E%99%EC%9E%AD%20CDDC7_C%D0%9EM%20%E2%97%86%EB%B3%B4%EB%84%88%EC%8A%A4%EB%B2%88%ED%98%B8%20B77%E2%97%86%EC%88%98%EC%9B%90%EC%9E%A5%EC%95%88%20%ED%94%84%EB%A1%9C%ED%86%A0%20%EA%B5%AC%EB%A7%A4%E0%B9%8F%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%ED%95%AB%ED%94%BD%E2%8F%AC%EC%98%A8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%ED%99%A9%EA%B8%88%EC%84%B1%E0%BC%88FX%EB%A7%A4%EB%A7%A4%E2%8B%8D%EC%95%88%EC%82%B0%EB%B8%94%EB%9E%99%EC%9E%AD%EC%95%A0%EC%9A%A9%20thorough/"

  • Part 4 - by Shlonkin

  • Cern sat down at the tiny desk the ISD had assigned to him and began sifting through the various files on Kip Heren that he had loaded from the population database. There wasn't much there besides a brief bio, port records, ship registration and a couple...
  • Beta testing is going on right now

  • With only few boards left in the Makertum MK1 beta-stock, testers from US, UK, Haiti and Germany have now taken on the task to test the hell out of the prototypes from the beta production batch.Some are already still prepping their wires, others are...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney12:00 PMHello everyone, welcome to the Hack Chat. Let's get started with today's chat, which is all about the 2019 Hackaday Prize. @Majenta Strongheart is here to tell us all about it and answer your questions. Majenta, can you kick things...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 4

  • eireann.leverett1:14 PMBingo Patrick C Miller1:14 PMIn addition to many other things. Seems like a simple idea but why the hell haven't I ever thought of that? anfractuosity1:14 PMare there any recommended formats for SBOM? eireann.leverett1:15 PMI suspect...
  • CNCed Assemblies

  • 10/21/2013:  Between stenciling sessions the house got struck by lightning about a week ago... so I've been digging out of the random bad electronics and such. One of which is my Color LaserJet which I need to finish the apron. Anyway; tonight after...
  • Perfboard prototype

  • As I've mentioned in the project description, I started the project with a pen form factor controller in mind. So when I started to build the perfboard prototype, I decided to construct the prototype with exactly the same components as I would in a compact...
  • Phonetroller

  • [update 3/30/2018: This project has graduated!][update 3/22/2018: I thought this broke my phone. For 5 months. Then I re-enabled USB OTG and it started working again. After using the controller for a bit of time I've gotten sick of the inaccurate joystick...
  • Will this thing kill you?

  • Imagine some awesome person builds the calculator. They're messing around inside under the worst possible circumstances. Specifically, the power is still on, using both hands, one poking with a metal-handled screwdriver and the other touching ground....
  • The start of it all

  • I’ve been out of the maker game for a while but it seems that life is affording me some minute amount of time once again to do one of the things I love best – making useless stuff for no good reason but to have fun and just because I can. I’m hopeful...