
4829 Results for "《 예약문의 OIO↗8489↗8306》가라오케추천τ가라오케edition선릉가라오케⇒가라오케추천seek 강남가라오케и가라오케а가라오케사이즈ψ㏉청담가라오케confirmation"

  • Design Considerations

  • Earlier version of the device was reconsidered in terms of following aspects:• Accommodating for different refractive errors • Aesthetics • Ergonomics • Weight distribution OIO ASSEMBLY EXPLODED ASSEMBLY1. ACCOMMODATING FOR DIFFERENT REFRACTIVE ERRORS...
  • Some assembly photos

  • We still haven't had time to finish this off completely yet. We do have the driving system working, but its not yet stable and its not yet in the box.In the meantime we figured we'd post some more assembly photos. So here's Jasmine...laying out 1758...
  • The Design And Construction Of A Backplane

  • This entire project is a little bit of an odd bird. In terms of electronic sophistication, it’s not too different than any of the other homebrew computers you might see on Hackaday. This isn’t a project that will just sit on my workbench until I die...
  • Theory of a CPU module

  • Compared to the 8080, the Z80, the 6809, 6502, and all the other 8-bit microprocessors used in boxxen of yore, the CPU I’m using for this project - the Motorola 68000 is both extremely powerful and extraordinarily complex. The power comes from a huge...
  • A Long, Long Overdue Update

  • Quick story. I brought this computer to the Vintage Computer Festival 9.1 last year to show Bil, Dave, and all the other cool people at the event. At the time, I was freerunning the processor, watching the blinkenlight count up. Great stuff, and proof...
  • GRL!

  • In 2002 the Graffiti Research Lab put together the rather excellent L.A.S.E.R. Tag system which allows you to draw virtual graffiti with nothing more than a camera, a projector and a laser pointer. They've done really awesome things with this showing...
  • Enclosures

  • Now we couldn't very well let 500 hackers mess around with a bunch of open wires, so we needed to make a little enclosure for our control system. The simplest way to do this was to grab an off the shelf project enclosure from Radioshack.→InsertImageWe...
  • Hacklet 42 - Mouse Projects

  • Ever since [Douglas Engelbart] and his team came up with the computer mouse, hackers, makers, and engineers have been creating ways to change and improve the design. Even the original mouse was something of a hack, built form a block of wood, a button,...

  • Everyone’s first microcontroller project is making an LED blink. It’s become the de-facto “Hello World” of hardware hacking. There’s something about seeing wires you connected and the code you wrote come together to make something happen...

  • Everyone needs a place to work. While some of us have well equipped labs with soldering stations, oscilloscopes, and a myriad of other tools, others perform their hacks on the kitchen table. Still, some hackers have to be on the go – taking their tools...