
156 Results for ""

  • First Update

  • The Multiwind project represents the restarting of a personal research project on electronic wind instruments I've had going for a very long time.  The research produced designs for many subsystems with unique and powerful capabilities but the challenge...
  • CPU State Machine - part 2

  • The CPU state machine was introduced early in the project and has undergone some evolution as the design progressed. Hopefully things are stable enough to expand on the details. The CPU essentially does the same thing on every instruction cycle: It fetches...
  • Final Update

  • After the User Test on (2/8), there were several components needed upgrade: structure – nonexistent and/or not convincing nor appealingbook mechanisms is not working Week 12: 8/8: meeting with lecturer to discuss and plan the book mechanismlecturer helped...
  • 1616 TPAL analysis

  • IC15, TPAL, Timing PAL We can see that pins 19,18,17 are a simple clocked counter. Other signals control DRAM, and other designs might provide a starting model. The RAM is interleaved VDU/CPU access, so the DRAM signals may only begin just after the...
  • Gimbal Live Test 2

  • After talking to some people, including Arsenio (from Hackaday) Joe (who's working on the Scout rocket), Mike (from Hackaday), and friends Owen, Adam, Erica, and Evie, I've designed a list of tests in increasing difficulty for the gimbal.1. Pivot point...
  • The Ear of the Global Seer?

  • I think many would have guessed correctly that is a project log entry on the construction of an ADSB antenna. The digital tv tuner (shown below) a.k.a the ADSB receiver in the component list comes with a dinky little wire antenna with a MCX jack (more...
  • Ressurection

  • As you probably know already I like to build computers from unusual things ;)I wanted to design and build computer on PIC17 microcontroller since may be 2006 and when I found Circuit Cellar article from November 2000 about PIC17C44-computer with ROM,...
  • POPgirl : Hardware & Enclosure Build

  •        I made a status indicator that notifies me of my body's relative state of arousal! To help me visualize what's going on with the myriad of wearables I have set out to don at once, I've created an arm-mounted screen display...
  • Programming systems

  • As you might already know, one "design rule" of this project is to avoid "programmable" parts as much as possible.This is not a luddite reaction or an arbitrary constraint "to make it more challenging". On the contrary: it actually eases development!While...
  • The Theory behind PAL (pt 1)

  • In order to understand the structure of a PAL/NTSC signal, it's a good idea to understand the structure of a grayscale image signal first. The reason is that PAL and NTSC needed to be downward compatible and therefore interpretable by older b/w TV sets....
  • FarmBot Genesis V2

  • There are many design changes from Genesis V1 to V2 that make this version a huge improvement: Design and implementation of custom brackets and plates for greater strength and a more optimized design. These could be produced at home with a drill and...