
190 Results for ""

  • The Setup

  • Since the design of the socket and the connector is completed, it can now be attached to complete the bionic leg. The whole setup is very simple and it consists mainly 3 parts. The Socket A simple cast/mold is made from silicone rubber after measuring...
  • Acrylic Assembly

  • The assembly of the DiamondLight starts with the 6 feet made of 4, 6mm rings and a rubber pad. The base is 10mm thick with cutout slots for the cable and adjustment for the U bracket screws. Base AssemblyThe U brackets are mounted on the base with screw...
  • The removable handle

  • The transmission was extremely noisy for its 1st 20 miles, despite lubrication & the sound damper.  Despite the noise, the efficiency was a record high of 240mAh/mile empty.  2200kV is a better speed than 2400kV.  The hall effect sensor...
  • SOL in the Wild

  • It has been a while since the last update, but lots has been done. Bugs have been worked out, and a prototype has been outside collecting data for the past month. For this recent round of prototypes, I outsourced the assembly to Macrofab. It was surprisingly...
  • Bed of Roses

  • So I decided to fix up my new laser engraving bed and see if I could not make it even better.   I wanted to stabilize it, and make it flatter and also provide a way to consistently lay out parts on it.  To help that along I painted...
  • Unexpected Things That Go Wrong #1

  • From the early prototypes {problems: and causes/resolutions}Batteries popped out of their brackets in the laser module: needs better mechanical design for use cases where it gets banged around in a bag with other sports gearButtons triggered randomly...
  • Getting One's Feet Wet In The Subject

  • To kick things off: I saw this picture the other day of a foot after soaking in a wet boot for 3 days. Picture turned B/W to spare you most of the gore, but by the amount of white, wrinkly mess you can tell it's not pretty: Assuming we'll need a portable...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to Hack Chat! I'm Dan, I'll be the mod today as Jay Bowles takes us Into the Plasmaverse. I know he was planning on doing this during his lunch break, which we really appreciate. But I haven't seen him log on yet - you out there,...

  • We asked, you listened! Last weeks Hacklet ended with a call for more Halloween themed projects on Some great hackers uploaded awesome projects, and this week's Hacklet is all about featuring them. Every one of our featured projects was...
  • Time to test this thing out.

  • To run a test with what I have on hand while waiting for the good stuff to get here, I followed a suggestion from another HackADay member (Thanks, Peter Walsh!) and ran out and grabbed some rubber cement. Why? Because if thinned a bit it might act similar...
  • Physical Build details

  • I am going to break up the project into three parts.  Physical build, Arduino work bench sensors, and lastly integration of all the systems.  For the Physical build I first needed to find a toilet to work with.  I went to eBay, I found...
  • Motorized camera mount

  • After being stalled by the automated tracking for over 8 years, the decision was finally made to make a remote control for panning the camera manually.  3D printing finally enabled the custom bearings.  The remote control has 8 functions. ...
  • Project Log 33: Homemade Casted Pumps.

  • Tuesday, 12:03, 07/03/2023 Edit⁵: As I said on the "Edit⁴" down bellow, I'm still calculating the idea of heating the gases compressed by the pneumaatic compressors, because when you heat a gas, it expands, so one could make a pneumatic compressorless...