
914 Results for "『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 선릉셔츠룸㈄ 『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 Ηcake²셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸デwriter 셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸 선릉셔츠룸⒁셔츠룸사이즈┲exhausted⅔"


  • STAGE ONE - PICKING A LOGO Stage one of the assignment was to find a logo to redesign, simple, go with my favourite website HACKADAY.STAGE TWO - EXISTING LOGO STUDY AND RESEARCH Stage two was to study the existing logo, what made it unique, what made...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to Hack Chat. I'm Dan, I'll be moderating today for Adam Zeloof as we talk all about mechanical engineering. Is @Adam Zeloof logged in yet? Adam Zeloof12:01 PMI'm here! There we go. Hi Adam, welcome to the chat. And welcome to the...
  • Transcript 1

  • Dan MaloneyJun-7 10:52 AMHi all -- Hack Chat coming up in about an hour: Dan MaloneyJun-7 10:53 AM HACKADAY Getting Started in Ham Hack Chat Mark Hughes and Beau Ambur will host the Hack...

  • This week on The Hacklet we're featuring some of the best keyboard hacks from!Hackers are really into their keyboards. Everyone has a favorite, and those favorites vary wildly. Mechanical, soft touch, ergonomic, QWERTY, DVORAK, chorded, you...

  • We asked, you listened! Last weeks Hacklet ended with a call for more Halloween themed projects on Some great hackers uploaded awesome projects, and this week's Hacklet is all about featuring them. Every one of our featured projects was...

  • Hackers, makers, and engineers have long had a love affair with number crunching. Specifically with the machines that make crunching numbers easier. Today it may be computers, smart watches, and smartphones, but that wasn’t always the case. In the 50’s...
  • Turbo on the small system

  • On the smaller system I picked up a 1000l/s Pfeiffer turbo to put on it as well. It had a bad bearing and I picked up another one and installed it. Oil was a pain to come across, very specific for the pump, a fomblin. The biggest issue was mounting...
  • Additional Equipment and Sample Pictures

  • I tend to have very shaky hands, especially when attempting to take photos, so in addition to building a small booth, I also purchased a tripod (10$) and a macro lens ($15) for my phone. The tripod has a couple of features I really like. For one,...
  • Pop Can Claw Anatomy

  • The Pop Can Claw is now finished and picking up pop cans. It is not capable of picking up the large cans (they are too heavy for the current design). Instead it can pick up the short 8 FL OZ or narrow 7.5 FL OZ cans. The design uses the extended fingers...
  • Gateway 1.7. pre-order

  • Gateway PCB is in fabrication, and I'm hoping for the best that there will be no errors on PCB. It will have following parameters:MCU ATmega1284P, 16KB RAM, 128KB Flash.8 analogue inputs for balanced PIR sensors.4 digital inputs for simple sensors, like...
  • Yet another keyboard

  • Though the old Tesla keybaord I described here and here and described by @Benchoff in #Metal Dome Keyboard is still in my drawer in amount higher than small, I'm looking for alternatives for my MiniBSD. I found one in here, for the case the listing is...
  • Measure twice, cut once.

  • Working on the badge dimensions, I took a digital caliper and measured a few bits on the earpiece. It's roughly 46.51 x 16.09 mm and shaped like a surfboard. The narrow end is about 5.14mm tall while the other is about 12.38mm. The microphone is encased...
  • Bad Planning and Fails

  • Had hundreds of problems. So many that I dismantled the entire thing and gave up. After some inspiration from [kmancreeper412] and my mom, I took the parts I had and started over. Also the propellant cannon fired a few homemade foam rubber darts,...