
219 Results for "toy"

  • The End Result

  • (Original post date: 09/04/16)So this is my 17th and final log for my music tech design challenge project, and for it I have created three new videos talking about and demoing the end result of the project: A specification overview video, outlining all...
  • Hardware

  • The original toy had 2 motors to control the gantry and a third to control the height of the grabbing claw. The gantry had limit switches on each of the sides. this was al controlled by three switches mounted on the front panel of the toy.To interface...
  • ESP32 anyone

  • So the plan is to build around the ESP32. Why? for a few reasons1. Large community of developers: This is the most import reason, as without a community of developers a processor intended to be used by hobbyists is useless without support. Sure...
  • A Strong Community!

  • Wow! Since hackaday published an article about this project ( ), messages come pouring in from all over the world! And it fills me with joy, how many people like this project...
  • Animatronic Robotech mecha

  • Given unlimited time, money, & storage, the lion kingdom's favorite mecha from the series was the alpha fighter & the cyclone in season 3. There are a few Robotech...
  • Research Notes (1)

  • Well, when I started with the design, I overlooked some mechanical details that would have rendered this toy useless or not as impressive as it should be.One problem with driving the hemisphere with the outer body is: The hemisphere is not on a fixed...
  • Bear on Stool and Floating Airplane

  • Elmer needed to control something, so I created a bear and a stool (toy Elmer is making). The 3d printed bear and stool (files available on this site) were painted and a hole was drilled in the bear to accept a LED.I was using a BB-8 (Sphero) to operate...
  • log #105: dildo finished

  • i went a different direction with it, big shout out to marcus and lars busack on tinkercad! it prints out to 6'' with 2'' square nuts. i couldn't get it to be even on 1''. i even remixed it into a hippie toy for @Arsenijs. the .stl files are under "files"...
  • Getting started!

  • Hello everyone (although that's probably no one at the moment)This is a project I've had brewing for a while, aimed at creating a usb teledildonics device using the ATTiny 85. However, with the Trinket contest, I've decided to try developing on the more...
  • wikit popcorn demo

  • Visual programming has been mainly used in education side. When it comes to complex hardware design, it is not very useful. Although currentlty we ONLY enable the GPIO read write. We enabled a popcorn robot with sound positioning and voice recognition.See...
  • Panel - Part 1 (Design and Construction)

  • (Original post date: 1/03/16)The front panel of my vintage toy synthesiser is the place where all the dials and buttons for controlling the sound parameters will be attached to the toy piano. While the final design of the panel has turned out very similar...
  • Hardware Flow Control

  • Hooked one of these up to a Cadetwriter at VCF West and found out a couple of things:  (1) The Cadetwriter doesn't like to operate at 300 baud & (2) the hardware flow control I implemented is incomplete at best.I tried it at 300 baud...
  • First Pass Prototypes

  • The PCBs arrived a couple days ago. I had a lot of trouble getting the accelerometer soldered properly. The technique that worked on the accelerometer was to create small solder bumps both on the PCB and the LIS3DH, use a good amount of flux paste, and...
  • Working teddy bear from A.I.

  • This video reminded the lion kingdom of how much it wanted a real version of the teddy bear from the movie.  The lion kingdom's copy of A.I. doesn't show any of Savage's models.  It cuts directly from the copter entering the water to the copter...