
26075 Results for "《 예약문의 OIO↗8489↗8306》선릉레깅스┛Еimportanceム강남레깅스룸레깅스룸ㅂheavenly 레깅스룸강남레깅스 강남레깅스룸⊥선릉레깅스ゥfiercelyり"

  • Hackaday Prize Sponsor Contests

  • Here’s your chance to bring some great stuff home from The Hackaday Prize. We’re looking for the best entries using Atmel, Freescale, Microchip, and Texas Instruments parts.Each of the four contests (yes, four running concurrently) will award the top...

  • Ah crowdfunding. You might say we have a love/hate relationship with it here at Hackaday. We’ve seen some great projects funded through sites like Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, and the like. We’ve also seen projects where the creators were promising more than...

  • They say necessity is the mother of invention. Have you ever been right in the middle of a project, when you realize that you could hack up a simple tool which would make your current task easier? Maybe it’s a coil winder, or a device to hold .100 headers...
  • Meet us in the Collaboratorium!

  • Wednesday, July 1, 2015 06:30 pm PDT Hackaday Prize Hacker ChannelOur inaugural online group chat will be taking place this week. The Hackaday Prize is underway and many of you have awesome projects. We'll have 60 minutes to discuss Hackaday Prize entries....
  • Hacklet 56: Brain Hacks

  • The brain is the most powerful – and least understood computer known to man. For these very reasons, working with the mind has long been an attraction for hackers, makers, and engineers. Everything from EEG to magnetic stimulus to actual implants have...

  • There’s just something amazing about counting down and watching a rocket lift off the pad, soaring high into the sky. The excitement is multiplied when the rocket is one you built yourself. Amateur rocketry has been inspiring hackers and engineers for...

  • Hackers, makers, and engineers have long had a love affair with number crunching. Specifically with the machines that make crunching numbers easier. Today it may be computers, smart watches, and smartphones, but that wasn’t always the case. In the 50’s...

  • Everyone needs a place to work. While some of us have well equipped labs with soldering stations, oscilloscopes, and a myriad of other tools, others perform their hacks on the kitchen table. Still, some hackers have to be on the go – taking their tools...
  • Latest UX tweaks to

  • You asked and we listened. Here are the latest changes to the user interface.1. We've added Likes to Member Pages, and the number of page likes will also be displayed in the feed. At the top of the Pages, we've added the number of likes and...

  • Hardware hackers love their test equipment. There are entire forums dedicated to talking about multimeters, oscilloscopes, signal generators, and other common bench tools. At times it seems we spend more time talking about our tools than actually using...
  • What we know so far ...

  • 1. The eheim software itself has a firmware update button, but it links to a defunct php script on their site, so it doesn't work. They no longer supply firmware updates to users, you can send in your pump head (yeah, right) or you can use a third party...
  • Update... Prototype 1 Delivered!

  • At a bass player get together I hosted last Sunday in Rhode Island, Chris Stambaugh delivered the first prototype of the wing bass. The good news is that it felt and sounded exactly the way I thought it would. The bad news is that Chris has to re-engineer...
  • Sub-Wheel Rollers

  • To make the sub-wheels I had to make a mold, unfortunately I do not have any footage of the mold being manufactured, but it was also made on a CNC mill. Here is what it looks like.The round aluminium bar in the mold is the center of the rollers. It used...