
7597 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3d Printing

  • I went to a very interesting 3d printing workshop last night and I have decided I will be 3d printing my parts to double check fit and functionality before I manufacture them from steel or ali. Provided I can get my Reprap Ormerod working correctly I...
  • 3D Printing Success

  • So I have managed to 3D print a whole bunch of parts for the arm. Not sure why I didn't do it earlier. I'll post up some photos tonight when I get home. With the 3D printing working the only thing stopping me from having a 3 degree of freedom arm working...
  • 3D Printing would help...

  • Access to 3D printed parts would greatly accelerate this project. I would use the printing time to produce the mirror mounting brackets, radial rotors and the fulcrum tower. I would be able to iterate on my initial design right away!
  • 3D printing the enclosure

  • As we needed to test the enclosure fitting prior to choosing extruded aluminum, we settled for 3D printing as we could get our prints with a 2 day lead time. We chose Cubic 3D as our printing partner. They offer affordable printing services in Kenya...
  • 3D Printing Rings

  • Printing the rings presented its own set of challenges. The printers that we had used were communal, meaning that we had to share printing time with other people. If a printer did not work, or if a another person had to print an especially large item,...
  • 3D printing exoskeleton parts

  • One of the main goals of this project, is to make it low-cost so people all over the world can afford it. 3D printing technology is essential for rapid prototyping and for reducing costs.After several hours of 3D printing, right knee parts for our robotic...
  • 3D printing progress

  • In parallel with working on the simulator, I'm printing the STL files provided by Michael Gardi: this point, the VT100 body is almost done.  Just the back third left. ...
  • 3D Printed Case Design

  • Ordered my first ever 3D printed design today for this project and due to be shipped later this month. Used gmax 3D modelling software (3DStudio Max Lite) and the cost for 3D printing and shipping was $40 for 2 units in black.
  • 3D Printing

  • It was time to print everything and dry-fit the parts. Some mistakes were made, bed adhesion was an issue: some parts didn't stick enough to the bed, others were so stuck I slipped and stabbed my hand with the spatula...
  • 3D Printing

  • With over 20 3D printed parts, this was a long process. The printer used is an Anycubic Kossel Delta. 0.15 mm layer height. Just regular PLA+. Different infill and parameter configurations for different pieces.Overall printing time was about a week....