
2563 Results for "python"

  • Python

  • I spent quite some time to learn a bit (very few in fact) of python as the library picamera gives acces to a lot of setting for the camera module. I made as well a small circuit around the MCP3426 ADC using some photo-resistors.Right now I've only define...
  • Python

  • There are many trendy languages (e.g. Ruby, Rust, Python) that some people tout as the next big thing but there are so many that I won't bother learning them. Unless there is a darn good reason.Python is the fastest growing language, according to...
  • Python conversion

  • This started in Java as a program written by @Warren, but it used rxtx serial console and I can't stand that library. When I tried to use it recently, the JNI part would keep on segfaulting. Rather than keep fighting with it, I just ported it to Python.It...
  • Python - Kivy

  • On the other side of the Arduino coding for this project, is the coding of the Raspberry Pi and its GUI. The Raspberry Pi is coding in Python. To create the GUI on the Pi, I have decided on using the KIVY library of python, as it offers great touchscreen...
  • Python script

  • Well after some head banging and stuff Ive got soem working python code. if its a bit dodgey sorry its my first attempt at python and quiet frankly I dont have a clue what Im doing but the end result is t will connect to my MQTT broker and subscribe...
  • Python: Help

  • Just a quick update, as it feels like an eternity since I last wrote on here.I now finally have a stable unit; there was a flickering issue that lead to the Powerboost 1000C going up in a puff of smoke... It turned out it was caused by the HDMI panelmount...
  • Python assembler

  • I believe I've finished the VGA part of the design.  I've had to capture two pixels per address since it toggles back and forth between VGA and CPU.  So it only uses half the amount of memory now, but I dropped it to only 3-bit color. ...
  • Python Example

  • The same example in MicroPython for the ESP8266: import machine def read_channel(i2c, channel): if not 0 <= channel <="11:" raise valueerror() data="i2c.readfrom_mem(0x35," 0x61 | (channel << 1), 2) return ((data[0] & 0x0f) 8) data[1] i2c="machine.I2C(-1,"...
  • Python compiler

  • For some months ago I began to program in python to try to make a compiler for my CPU, and after many days and hours in trying to make it, I am finally done, I've made a simple compiler which is somewhat equivalent to assembly (mind You I've never made...
  • Python Threading

  • So after the success of getting the FSR data from the Arduino to the Raspberry Pi, its time to get those values into the Kivy GUI in real time too. However, its not as simple as just copying the serial test code into the GUI unfortunately. As the serial...
  • Python script

  • The Python script is really simple and the only module you need to install is the Blynk library and ServoBlaster needs to be install in the same directory. Pin V0 and V1 control the movement of the left motor and pin V2 and V3 control the movement of...
  • Python GUI

  • I've temporarily put the µC coding on hold due to problems with the SPI coding which I will get back to - so more details on the µC side later. In the meantime I have started coding the Python GUI for controlling the heater - in reality this...
  • Trying python

  • import usb.core import usb.util import usb.control # find our device dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x1a86, idProduct=0xe041) # was it found? if dev is None: raise ValueError('Device not found') # usb.control.set_configuration(dev, 0) bmRequestType = usb.util.build_request_type(usb.util.CTRL_OUT,...
  • Python &lt;=&gt; Plotter&lt;/=&gt;

  • AnalysisBefore making any modifications I took some time to understand how the plotter works. It is a nicely designed old machine that would have run you more than $1000 if you had bought it when it was new - in the 70s. There is a bunch of 7400 series...
  • python prototype

  • Today I started to connect the bus to my PC. A USB/USART adapter from FTDI was my choice since I got tons and various PCB's laying around. The FTDI can be configured for RS485 to enable a IO when you're sending data. I tried the interface with the two...