
31929 Results for "『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 선릉셔츠룸㈄ 『 모든문의 OIO=5793=7458 』 Ηcake²셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸デwriter 셔츠룸테란강남셔츠룸 선릉셔츠룸⒁셔츠룸사이즈┲exhausted⅔"

  • A New Proof Of Concept

  • Wow, time sure flies, no fun required... When I put this project up last year I had intended to get right to adding updates with more explanation, better pictures, etc. Thanks to what I believe was long covid-19, followed immediately by having to evacuate...
  • It's a ACK

  • I forget exactly when I imagined this protocol but that was at least 10 years ago, didn't exist and USENET was already a shadow of itself... Without a practical use case, I had implementation thus no feedback, no challenge or interaction...
  • It's over 9000

  • Too. Much. Overkill. what started as a basic teensy++ 2.0 based cartridge reader/writer is now a full blown project with a nokia 5110 LCD display with rgb backlight, 3D printed, vintage looking case, pcb for an at90usb1286. At least in my head. Please....
  • Vacations update

  • During my vacations last december I managed to take some time to improve the Assembler, and it's now completely functional. Also, I could program the long awaited Tetris (not finished yet): Also I received my Arduino Mega, which with its 50+ pins will...
  • Manufacturing

  • While I may be a high schooler, I'm no stranger to bringing products from prototype to production, which is proven by the two successful Kickstarter campaigns I ran for my other products. For Knobo, the electronics will be manufactured overseas while...
  • Progress!

  • I've made quite a bit of progress since the last log, and run into a few road blocks on the way. Here's where I'm at right now.Image CapturingUsing the OV5642 software application guide, I copied the register settings from the "Processor Raw" into my...
  • DekatronPC arch first assumptions

  • I woke up and drew this. Some comments: Harvard arch - two ferrite core modules. One for program, another - for data. Each one has decade address input.Main dekatron counters - at least, four: Data counter. From 0 to 255.Address Pointer counter. From...
  • Using the SD Card

  • One of the cool features of the Teensy 3.6 is that it has an SD card slot. The slot is supported by the SD library which you can get here (add link to github). The ChibiOS demos for Arduino include a chFifoDataLogger program which uses a version of the...
  • 2020-06-06

  • Here's a new hand that matches ISO standard 9409-1-50-4-M6. this you should be able to mount any robot hand off the shelf that matches.  Basically anything that natively fits on a UR5 will work. ...
  • LED PWM Frequency, Brightness, & Bit Depth

  • Unless you're new to HaD, you already understand why driving a LED with PWM is really good thing. If you're knew to this kind of thing, it's still relatively simple. It means that you can drive an LED with higher current without burning it out and if...