
5189 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3d Printing

  • I went to a very interesting 3d printing workshop last night and I have decided I will be 3d printing my parts to double check fit and functionality before I manufacture them from steel or ali. Provided I can get my Reprap Ormerod working correctly I...
  • 3D Printing Rings

  • Printing the rings presented its own set of challenges. The printers that we had used were communal, meaning that we had to share printing time with other people. If a printer did not work, or if a another person had to print an especially large item,...
  • 3d printing stuff

  • currently printing all of this, I already forgot the tooth count and ratio of the gear box, but I think it's something like 1:5 or 1:6. Or maybe it was 1:10. Reminds me a bit of my #Locomatrix - 3D POV - a different approach 
  • 3D Printing

  • With over 20 3D printed parts, this was a long process. The printer used is an Anycubic Kossel Delta. 0.15 mm layer height. Just regular PLA+. Different infill and parameter configurations for different pieces.Overall printing time was about a week....
  • 3D Printing of the casing

  • Lets show how we made the casing of evive. There are three parts of casing:Bottom CaseTop CaseLid (We call it magic lid)All the CAD files are available opensource at: prototyping of evive, we have used 3D printing...
  • 3D Printing the Tray

  • I've been tweaking the 3d printable design for the tray. Tabs and panel cutouts fit a Raspberry Pi 1, but can easily be adjusted for any model. I've also included a way to hold a piece of PCB in place, so it can slot directly into the card edge reciprocal...
  • 3D printing

  • I have printed the base components of the first Earth Explorer prototype:It took 36h to manufacture the parts needed to get a rolling chassis. Things like a battery box, mounts for the driver boards, the Raspberry Pi or the camera are still missing,...
  • 3D Printing

  • All the 3D printing details can be found on the dedicated Thingiverse page. The slicer software is the latest PrusaSlicer (2.3 at the time of writing), combined with the latest firmware for the MK3 (3.9). And now that all the parts have been printed,...
  • 3D Printing

  • 3D Printing: Having never owned a 3D printer, I purchased a printer and started taking my modeling abilities to the next level.   After learning a few important lessons in 3D printing (mistakes), I was up and running.  It takes a day or more...
  • 3D printed prototype

  • Finally, I got around printing the first motor prototype. The frame is here, I still need to find the coil, a 5mm shaft, screws and possibly bearings. I have some small magnets that should do it for the proof of concept.The stator coil holders were printed...
  • volumetric 3D printing

  • As described on Hackaday and Sci-hub, a new volumetric printing method has been described which uses two colors.A light sheet with a 375 nm laser diode and DLP projection between 450-700 nm. The prism scanner can also be used to accomplish this. Basically,...
  • 3D Printed Lancing Tools

  • August 8, 2017 | ProgressTH Lancing tools are used for breaking open blisters and sores, and in this case, breaking only one to take a sample for diagnosis. We don't really think that 3D printing is good for this application, but the national children's...