
5393 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 셔츠룸후기た 《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 ⑷plenty㎋셔츠룸후기셔츠룸후기んteeth 셔츠룸후기선릉셔츠룸 강남셔츠룸₩셔츠룸ⓤsilverⓞ"

  • Plier stand

  • Even better than PC board pliers is a stand for dunking them. Lions always used surface tension to float the boards on the acid, but this should eliminate air bubbles. Helas, the pliers now need a place to put a rubber band & a place to clamp onto the...
  • Hardware - Moving parts are moving

  • For the last couple weeks I have been doing battle with the rotating ring. I was expecting it to be a challenge, and it sure is, but it's finally coming together. At this point the internal ring does rotate and the chevrons light up.The internal ring...
  • Where have we been? Wheels of course.

  • Hello,If any of you have been following this project you may have noticed that the main problem we need to overcome is making the wheels for the robot. If you scan through previous logs there are something like 4 full posts on the subject (I have lost...
  • DC27 DOOM SAO - Hurt Me Plenty

  • We’ve been lucky this year to have Cr4bf04m on our team, aka LonghornEngineer, aka Parker Dillmann. He shared our goal of the DC27 project to make the badges free during hacker summer camp. Aside from philanthropist backers and generous sponsors (Urbane...
  • Rpi3 EP2C5 FPGA buffer HC-SR04

  • The final goal of this project is to get a LIDAR like scan and show it on a GUI. So naturally it made sense to have an OS in the pipeline. Instead of dealing with USB connection to a PC, I opted for SPI between a rapsberry pi and a cyclone II FPGA. The...
  • Buck -> LDO

  • It occurred to me today that the combined draw of the Xmega and the GPS chip isn't likely more than 75 mA or so, so the buck converter is a bit of a waste. The final version will have a simple LDO instead. There should still be plenty of capacity left...
  • PC board etching pliers

  • These PC board etching pliers should make the process a lot easier & allow bigger boards. They were based on the size of normal scissors to keep the operator's paws away from the chemicals.  The range of the slider motion & the size of the largest...
  • Rev 1. PCB Assembly!

  • Alright here we go! In case you missed the last log, here it is! Check it out because what you're about to see will make a lot more sense. Just like the last log, this log is going to be a retrospective, but I promise that the next CRAPi2040 log to grace...
  • Decoding the Matrix (not that one)

  • In picking my Keeb-conscious friends' minds I quickly learned more thoroughly what I already knew. Mechanical keyboard folks are masochists. While the likes of QMK and custom keyboards are a marvelous thing when they work, there's a learning curve that...
  • Printing a lens rim

  • Each Lubitel camera has its own charm! For this project it translates to the need of matching a lens rim to the camera body. From my experience, it can be done just by measuring the body (the diameter of the inner screw thread). Essentially, you need...
  • Custom Hardware

  • I've been working on the firmware for the past week, but I decided to get started on custom hardware for the project. Up until now, I've been using the Tiva C Series Launchpad from TI with a hacked together add-on board for CAN. It's time for custom...
  • Installation is a Pain; Flexible GPIO

  • I totally acknowledge that installation of all the software dependencies and managing configurations is a pain in the butt. Because Pi's are often single-purpose (ish), I think I'm going to remedy this by making Garage Security a .bin file that can be...
  • Milling the Deployer

  • JO HINCHLIFFE (Concretedog) was working on the deployer test rig.--- quote JO HINCHLIFFE ---Been working today on a test rig to help determine the rail sizes that will hold the chipstars and that the chipstars will be pushed out of in the deployer. So...
  • First water test of Solarbuoy

  • Testing Aidan (the 200 watt solar electric "solarbuoy") from 2015: Finally was able to get one of the bots out onto the water. For this test, I chose an area of San Francisco Bay that is subject to strong currents during the tide changes. As the tide...