
105 Results for "ros"

  • Zakhar Milestone: Zakharos

  • 🎉🎉🎉  Changelog since the Reptile Demo Milestone: Common:  Updated cable system with 8-pin connectors (see: Power post. Part one.). Added union connectors for charging of all platforms at once. Added...
  • Testing motors for 3 axes

  • Writing simple code to test the 3 axes of the system to simulate a 3D cartesian moving system (like a CNC). List of components:Teensy 3.53 NEMA 17 Stepper Motors (200 steps/rev)3 A4988 motor drivers12V 8.5A power supply3 100µF electrolytic capacitorsNext...
  • Fixing Functional Problems in URDF

  • Once I had a decent looking URDF for Phoebe up and running, I added it into the Phoebe launch files and started working on the problems exposed by putting it to work. The first problems were the drive wheels. Visually, they were stuck at the origin and...
  • Using Matlab for Object Tracking

  • Recently I received some feedback from a few of our users requesting a Matlab sample project that can communicate with Bobble-Bot. This seemed like a reasonable enough request, so I released a new Matlab interface for Bobble-Bot last night. I'm...
  • Phoebe The Cartographer

  • Once odometry calculation math in the Roboclaw ROS driver was fixed, I could drive Phoebe around the house and watch laser and odometry data plotted in RViz. It is exciting to see the data stream starting to resemble that of a real functioning...
  • On the road again!

  • Tenacity is back on the road!(carpet), fresh from what turned out to be an almost 3 month(-ish) refit.  A good bit of consulting work came barrelling out of nowhere right after the start of the New Year, so I've spent most of the past couple months...
  • Get the robot to bring me beer

  • One of the things I want my robot to do is to bring me beer when I'm retired and sitting on the couch. This involves the following actions: Drive to the fridgeOpen the fridgeLocate a bottle of beerFetch the bottleClose the fridgeDrive to meHand me the...
  • LIDAR Installation Completes First Draft

  • With the motors connected to Roboclaw, their direction and encoder in sync, and PID values tuned, Phoebe can be driven around via ROS /cmd_vel topic and report its movement via /odom. However, Phoebe has no awareness of its surroundings,...
  • Crowd Supply Shipments Received and Community Slack

  • Hi everyone, Just wanted to share the the Crowd Supply shipments have been received, and our fans are up and running with the hardware, with much exciting activity and discussion in our Community Slack channel. To join, go to our docs page:
  • Applications

  • As discussed, the developed platform has a cost of 90 USD. If we include also the recommended balloon type (4 USD) and the initial filling cost (16.5 USD), the total cost of the airship comes to 110.5 USD. This is comparable to alternative indoor blimp...
  • Toasting traces and board layout

  • I finally got around to hooking up the battery, board and motor together. I expected fire, smoke and failure and I got it but not in the manner that I expected. I thought that the fets would fail because they have been the failure points in the past...
  • Real-time Motion Planning with CollisionIK

  • Motivation One major barrier to a fluid creative workflow with robots is the often stilted sense-think-act loop. Every time through the loop the robot first gathers information about the environment, crunches the numbers to generate a plan, and then...