
1030 Results for "robot"

  • Robot navigation

  • I'm still waiting on the arm actuator to arrive, meanwhile here is a video of the robot doing SLAMHere's a short explainer:Phase 1, mapping: The robot has a 2d LIDAR that spins around to make a map of its surroundings. I manually give navigation goals...
  • Robot Localization

  • One of the biggest problems with precise motion in robotics is localization. Encoders are only so accurate and tend to drift over time. Absolute positioning systems like GPS have error margins measured in meters. The solutions to this is often complicated...
  • Robot Construction

  • Take the 3d printed wheels and add vacuum cleaner belts for tires.Attach the Servo horn using 3mm screws.Solder the capacitors in series and place them in the 3d printed capacitor holder (along with the on/off switch). Solder the (female) charging cable.Attach...

  • Hi again! We have some very good news, our Robot is moving! The simulation environment is up and running. The calculations for the odometry and hardware integrations are done! There is still a lot to be developed, tested and integrated but we can say...
  • Diablo robot

  • The lion kingdom was intrigued by another self balancer.  This one had articulated legs that could change height, move forward & backward, in addition to the hub motors.  4 of its 6 direct drive motors were devoted just to articulating the...
  • Unitree robot

  • China made a bit more progress towards the ultimate goal with another robot dog. This one is specifically marketed as a running coach & food transporter.   At the $2700 price point, payload is 7 lbs...
  • Making modular mobile robot

  • Firstly we have made a modular mobile robot.A detailed instructions are availalble: CAD files for making the robot are available at GrabCAD :

  • Power up your robots! There will be a Robot Party on Saturday May 14 @ 7:30pm on Google+ Hangouts!For more info, check out the event page here This Party's theme is: Robots improving the environment Come prepared with your robots and ideas!
  • Odometry and Robot Hub

  • After implementing the motor drive controller it was time to implement movement feedback of the robot, calculating its position and rotation based on wheel rotations, this is, the odometry of the robot. Because this is a differential drive robot it is...
  • Full Robot Build

  • Design The single-leg design hasn't changed much. I cut off a bit more weight and removed the homing block. This homing block will now be a separate part incorporated into the actual robot design rather than on each leg itself.  The approach that...
  • Robot #1 : The Eyes

  • Maybe something along these lines? This module will serve as the main mapping hardware & will build a GPS relative map stored in the charging station's on-board computer.