
3821 Results for "《 예약문의 OIO↗8489↗8306》청담가라오케П㈄delightfulセ가라오케가라오케νreflected 가라오케사이즈가라오케 가라오케추천㎙가라오케qbring㈀"

  • Raspberry Pi 4 Compatibility

  • With the surprise release of the Raspberry Pi 4, I started receiving questions about compatibility with the LiFePO4wered/Pi+. Here’s what I found out! Surprise Raspberry Pi 4 release Like most people, I hadn’t really expected to see a next generation...
  • Hardware

  • To start off, thanks to JLCPCB for sponsoring this project as well as providing pcbs to get the ball rolling. JLCPCB Prototype for $2 (Any Color): The hardware requirements of this project are fairly simple: two buttons for setting...
  • Adding the electronics

  • To drive this system we decided to use a Raspberry Pi and Arduino Micro combination.The Raspberry Pi runs a stack of Nginx, Memcached and NodeJS which then feeds desired LED colors to the Arduino Micro which streams them out over the WS2811 protocol...
  • A little Arduino goes a long way...

  • Yes yes, I know, Arduinos are lame. But... they are incredibly handy for getting certain things done really quickly.→InsertImageFor the control system we need to emulate a USB keyboard, it just so happens the Arduino Micro is especially good at this....
  • Prototypes ahoy

  • With motors in hand, I built up a quick prototype. The X27 motors are designed to only move a small pointer. They draw so little current (under 20ma at 5v) that they can be driven by PIC and AVR micro pins directly. Soldering wires to the thin pins of...
  • Putting a Face on a Gauge

  • With the PCB and parts finally back, and working pointers printed in safety orange, I started assembling. About 10 minutes of soldering later, the finished board looked greatNow I needed a face for my gauge. I broke out word for windows (I know,...
  • Hacklet #6 - Lasers

  • This week’s Hacklet is all about lasers, which have been shining a monochromatic light for hackers since 1960. The first working laser was demonstrated by [Theodore Maiman], who was a hacker / maker himself, having learned circuits in his father’s home...
  • Hacklet #11- Cameras

  • We preempt this week’s Hacklet to bring you an important got some major upgrades this week. Have you checked out The Feed lately? The Feed has been tweaked, tuned, and optimized, to show you activity on your projects, and from...

  • In this weeks Hacklet we're looking at household hacks. Not necessarily globally connected home automation hacks, but task specific hacks that we want in our lives yesterday!We've all had it happen, you're burning the midnight oil on a project when you...

  • This week on The Hacklet we're featuring some of the best keyboard hacks from!Hackers are really into their keyboards. Everyone has a favorite, and those favorites vary wildly. Mechanical, soft touch, ergonomic, QWERTY, DVORAK, chorded, you...

  • Hey, did you know that is continuously being updated and improved? One of the coolest features this week is the new LaTeX based equation editor. That's right, you can now put symbols, equations, and all sorts of other LaTeX goodies into your...

  • Robot arms – they do everything from moving silicon wafers to welding cars. Many a hacker has dreamt of having their own robot arm to serve them beer help them build projects. This week's Hacklet features some of the best robot arm projects on!We...
  • Hacklet 38 - 6502 Projects

  • The 6502 CPU is probably the most famous of all the 8-bit processors out there, whether in the form of bare chips for homebrew computers, or as slightly modified derivative chips found in everything from the C64, the NES, and the BBC Micro. For this...
  • Hacklet 41 - DIY Prosthetics Projects

  • Throughout human history, mankind has worked to enable those with disabilities. This applies especially to those who have missing limbs, either from injury or since birth. Every time technology improves, prosthetics improve along with the way. Unfortunately...
  • Hacklet 42 - Mouse Projects

  • Ever since [Douglas Engelbart] and his team came up with the computer mouse, hackers, makers, and engineers have been creating ways to change and improve the design. Even the original mouse was something of a hack, built form a block of wood, a button,...