
65 Results for "circuitpython"

  • Custom CircuitPython

  • Having played a little bit with the prototype of the standalone version, I realized that I really need better button handling. The PewPew Lite did handling on the LED driver chip — the chip would scan the whole matrix every 25ms, and if a button came...
  • CircuitPython Progress

  • The coding is coming along faster than anticipated. In order to manage the input and output requirements of the sensors and transducers there has to be an understanding of the Arduino's basic I/O capabilities. At a minimum there has to be one I2C interface...
  • Esp32-C6-Bug CircuitPython

  • A little log on testing CircuitPython with Esp32-C6-Bug, I was surprised by how smooth the integration actually was. I just downloaded the CircuitPython repo with git clone --recursive  and followed...
  • Now Supports CircuitPython!

  • This humble tally light project has now broken into three! Now that we support both CircuitPython and the ESP32-S2 as well as the Raspberry Pi platform, the project now has three parts:TallyOBS, the OBS script which can talk to both the ESP32-S2...
  • Still Working

  • I am still working on this project. Having to recode everything for reasons I don't quite understand. But hey, I found some ways to improve on the coding. It was causing quite a delay to have so many time.sleep commands to get lights to flicker....
  • September 30th Update

  • The board is up and running and software development is making good progress.The UF2 bootloader and CircuitPython are up and running on the board.  The dotstar LED and QWIIC I2C connector are both accessible through CircuitPython.  Here is...
  • PewPew 4.1

  • I assembled one of the boards for the PewPew 4.1 and got it to work. It's really close to what I want ultimately, at least feature-wise.It has the IS31FL3733 chip for handling the LED matrix, an ATSAMD21E18A-AU microcontroller for running CircuitPython,...
  • Getting MUCH smaller with more features

  • The new prototypes have arrived!The board now features a 16Mb SPI flash chip and DotStart Micro RGB LED (APA102-2020). These additions were inspired by CircuitPython. The flash chip gives much more space for your python programs and the LED is used...
  • Wired Mode

  • For starters, I decided to do something I already have well rehearsed: a wired keyboard. There is already support for the TinyS3 in CircuitPython, so I thought it would be easy. Just use my ukeeb library, with the small modification for UART communication...
  • The Concept

  • Here are some more details about the whole concept of this board.The board will be the size of a standard FeatherWing shield -- same as the Adafruit Feather boards, and of course it will plug into those boards. It should work with any of the Feather...
  • Hardware

  • I started by buying a Feather M0 Express from Adafruit when it was brand new, enticed by the then new-ish CircuitPython because I knew a little Python from a college.  The feather sat around for almost 6 months while I researched components,...
  • Prototyping starts tonight

  • And, my prototyping order arrived! I'll use these to test the Arduino Code / CircuitPython and the whole idea. Then I'll design a circuit and PCB using just the necessary components.These are basically the parts used in the AdaFruit Trinket Sound-Reactive...
  • The Library

  • Today I finished the CircuitPython library for the PewPew Lite. It still has some room for improvement, especially in terms of memory use, but it already has the shape that I'm basically happy about. I had to completely rewrite it from my initial code,...