
11383 Results for "《 예약문의 OIO≡⑧④89≡83O⑥》선릉레깅스룸㉹ベgrace레깅스룸S선릉레깅스룸선릉레깅스е я레깅스룸비용superstition 강남레깅스룸′강남레깅스§8fetch"

  • fedex and wildfires

  • It's wildfire season, but Fedex managed to get our boards from Malaysia to us in good time, unfortunately there was a cock up in the ordering department and they shipped to the billing address, we'd left there about 15 minutes before they showed up with...
  • Prototypes ahoy

  • With motors in hand, I built up a quick prototype. The X27 motors are designed to only move a small pointer. They draw so little current (under 20ma at 5v) that they can be driven by PIC and AVR micro pins directly. Soldering wires to the thin pins of...
  • Of Pointers, Pins, and Needles

  • While the PCB's were being built, I turned my attention to the pointer issue. The switec motor's have a 1mm shaft. A good pointer has to be a press fit on the shaft, but not so tight that the mild steel motor shaft is bent while pressing the pointer...
  • Preliminary BOM and rough costing

  • Did a preliminary BOM today and selected a few key components, incl. the Spartan 6 variant I'd like to use and the SDRAM and Flash devices (may go with a BGA SP6 package with more risk yet to the design, regardless of what I choose).  All...
  • Works first time! :)

  • Boards have been built and worked the first time.  Woohoo!  Only thing I've noticed so far is that I neglected to tent the vias (cover them in soldermask) under the super small BGA SRAM.  This has a nasty effect of making it very hard...
  • Level Translation Mods

  • The first pass of this board was built with the Due in mind (3V3) and other development boards that I had sitting around, almost all of which *other* than Arduino were 3.3V.   In planning the evolution of this however, it quickly made...
  • Everything 101

  • Your Hackaday Profile is the best way to express yourself. Fill it out completely so people can learn more about you.Basic profile infoWhen you first sign up to, we ask you to enter some basic info about yourself such as: your username (which...
  • The Hacklet #3

  • In this Hacklet, we take a quick look at the Sci-Fi Contest, play with high voltages, and fire the laser(s)!Sci-Fi Contest RoundupOur first Hackaday Projects contest has come to a close! We discussed many of the projects on the blog, the winners...
  • Hacklet #5 - Hackerspaces and DIY Laptops

  • HackerspacesDid you know that has a hackerspace index? That’s right, you can enter your local hackerspace’s info, pictures, videos, and social media links. Members and crew can link their profiles and drop comments about their...

  • In this weeks Hacklet we're looking at household hacks. Not necessarily globally connected home automation hacks, but task specific hacks that we want in our lives yesterday!We've all had it happen, you're burning the midnight oil on a project when you...

  • This week on The Hacklet we're featuring some of the best keyboard hacks from!Hackers are really into their keyboards. Everyone has a favorite, and those favorites vary wildly. Mechanical, soft touch, ergonomic, QWERTY, DVORAK, chorded, you...

  • Amateur, or ham radio operators have always been hackers. For much of the early 1900′s, buying a radio was expensive or impossible. Hams would build their own rigs, learning electronics and radio theory along the way. Time moves on, but hams keep hacking....