
156 Results for "3D printing"

  • Initial 3D print tests

  • Working code was step one, now my focus is entirely on the physical part of the sculpture. I've been working to get the size of the sculpture just right so the screen feels perfectly proportional. I spent a few hours at SVA's Visual Futures Lab...
  • 3D printing on pedal power

  • If you hang around in the 3D printing community, you have no doubt seen the question of electrical power come up, which I have always found to be kind of an odd thing to think about. We don't think about the power used by a hot glue gun or soldering...
  • Curiosity Rover 3D Resources

  • Prompted by a question on the JPL Open Source Rover web forum, I compiled all the 3D resources I had collected on Mars rover Curiosity. This reference data helped Sawppy match Curiosity's overall proportions and suspension geometry, which was my goal...
  • On The Road, 3D Printing and Inflated LiPos

  • It's been a while since the last update, and much has happened. Good and bad.To summarize the good, the motor control works well. There are still a couple of known bugs but on the bike test platform it's proven to be quite reliable, I was riding it to...
  • Now, an enclosure

  • I have to do something about it or something bad will happen... 2 months of software and hardware revisions without magic smoke or bug invasion, ... it won't last forever.I could not play with this device without a proper enclosure anymore...left and...
  • Printing laptopless

  • In the last couple of months I've done some modifications to my 3D printer. First thing I added was a LCD with rotary encoder, having the printer attached to my laptop, which was not very convenient since prints can take hours and I only have only laptop....
  • Let's Go !!!

  • Hey folks !! Starting this project to accomplish a number of things but the main focus is to learn ROS2 and building robotics systems using ROS2 but you know its got my usual roundabout extra challenging approach of having a few other projects within...
  • Week 4: 1/24/2017

  • Abother day, another 3D printed bottle opener. Today was to see if printing directly from the SD card eliminated the freezes in the prints I have been experiencing the last two days when running the code from my laptop. First, the SD card reader on my...
  • Make a time travel. Take energy for free.

  • Years ago oil companies made billions by just selling oil, which was available for free. Sheiks and big oil field owners became the richest people of the world by just selling "mud". They simply turned dirt into money.Now we are at the dawn of the solar...
  • Hackaday LA + Tindie Bring-A-Hack Happy Hour

  • For our October 2018 meetup, we gathered at King's Row Gastropub with our hacks and chat. Here are some of the projects that made an appearance. David bought the latest evolution in his exploration of 3D printing on flexible media. Tim brought his Hackaday...
  • Basic progress

  • I have an OpenSCAD model done up for the base plate; I'm new at 3D CAD so this is mostly a matter of trial and error. I targeted a basic plate with M3 mounting screws (matching the Qu4druped model base plate) and a pair of mounting holes for an 18650...
  • The plan

  • I chose a Dell Latitude D5xx/D6xx battery for this design. Reason: the form factor. This battery has a rectangular form factor unlike most of the laptops' stick-type batteries.I bought the 9-blade connectors for the battery from AliExpress along with...
  • Going WIFI

  • Since we started building Embosser, some users where asking a particular feature : The ability to emboss Braille from a smartphone, especially Android since it is the most widespread terminal in Africa. This summer, we worked on the WIFI feature, with...