
14013 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 셔츠룸가격㉻ 《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 ㉺stealㅯ강남셔츠룸셔츠룸가격фtemperature 셔츠룸후기셔츠룸가격 강남셔츠룸ㅣ셔츠룸추천ψencouragementㅔ"

  • Removing undesired reflections/spots

  • Hey all!This is another project log to update the latest developments of OWL (Just in case you forgot, we call it OWL because, well, Open Indirect Ophthalmoscope, OIO).So, since the last time I made a log, we’ve been working on--making an elegant GUI...
  • FLED

  • So we had an idle Friday afternoon here at SupplyFrame HQ and our evil overlord Alek asked us to build something cool for the office.With the restriction of only having a day to build we didn't have many choices in what we could source components for,...
  • Nginx and Memcached

  • With FLED we are trying to make a visualization platform, somewhere all our apps and monitoring tools can send data and where we can then use that data to make interesting visualizations.As such we need to be able to accept data from a variety of sources...
  • Success!

  • After much soldering....and a little debugging we managed to get the array lit up.If you look carefully you can see the grounding braid we used as a power and ground bus at either end of the strips. We then simply hooked up data and clock (these are...
  • The Design And Construction Of A Backplane

  • This entire project is a little bit of an odd bird. In terms of electronic sophistication, it’s not too different than any of the other homebrew computers you might see on Hackaday. This isn’t a project that will just sit on my workbench until I die...
  • Theory of RAM and ROM modules

  • Although it might make sense to start this project by building a CPU module first, I decided it would make more sense to start with the memory for this system. This serves two purposes: as an explanation of how the 68000's memory-mapped I/O works, and...
  • A Long, Long Overdue Update

  • Quick story. I brought this computer to the Vintage Computer Festival 9.1 last year to show Bil, Dave, and all the other cool people at the event. At the time, I was freerunning the processor, watching the blinkenlight count up. Great stuff, and proof...
  • You can refactor hardware, right?

  • I'm in the middle of a few free days right now, and I figured it's time to take a look at this project. Things aren't good. Let's go over what's wrong with it:It's not doneIt's not even close to being doneThe 'not being done' is mostly a result of using...
  • Gathering Components

  • First, you're going to need a deck. If you're working on a budget, go to Walmart or Academy Sporting Goods or similar and pick up something cheap for around $20. The above deck is a bustin mini maestro, which I think I got for $80-90. The primary difference...
  • A little Arduino goes a long way...

  • Yes yes, I know, Arduinos are lame. But... they are incredibly handy for getting certain things done really quickly.→InsertImageFor the control system we need to emulate a USB keyboard, it just so happens the Arduino Micro is especially good at this....
  • fedex and wildfires

  • It's wildfire season, but Fedex managed to get our boards from Malaysia to us in good time, unfortunately there was a cock up in the ordering department and they shipped to the billing address, we'd left there about 15 minutes before they showed up with...
  • Hacklet #5 - Hackerspaces and DIY Laptops

  • HackerspacesDid you know that has a hackerspace index? That’s right, you can enter your local hackerspace’s info, pictures, videos, and social media links. Members and crew can link their profiles and drop comments about their...
  • Hacklet #6 - Lasers

  • This week’s Hacklet is all about lasers, which have been shining a monochromatic light for hackers since 1960. The first working laser was demonstrated by [Theodore Maiman], who was a hacker / maker himself, having learned circuits in his father’s home...