
5029 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3D MultiTool

  • When I envision an ultimately autonomous factory, its primary ingredients would be:1. 3D Multi tools (more on this below)2. Mobile robots facilitating the multi tool operations3. Metal casting equipment4. Specialized equipment for doing what the above cannot...
  • Enclosure design for 3D Printing

  • It's time to move on to Enclosure design.I have not done any 3D design in last 5 years so it will take a while to design and print 3D printed enclosure. The good news is that I was able to draw a 2D design of the enclosure using Fusion 360 with my limited...
  • Releasing the 3D model

  • Once I identified the reason for the enormous backlash and came up with a method that would resolve the issue, I reverse engineered the design of the original lens rim. Then I created a 3D model with OpenSCAD and printed the first PoC. This first prototype...
  • 3D Printing

  • After designing the watch in Fusion360, I had to print the parts with a 3D printer, in my case the bq Prusa i3 Hephestos. As a material I am using PLA, mainly because it doesn't smell as bad as ABS. The main challenge was getting the case printed with...
  • 3D printable enclosure

  • Instead of smacking the components together in a sandwich box I decided to design a fancy 3D printed enclosure for my components. Stacking them up in a pyramid fashion like you see in the HTC One for example.Here's a little render:As you might be able...
  • 3D Printer Files

  • Thanks to Joshua Thompson, there are now 3D printer source files for Stubby's frame!  You can download the files for yourself, and try your hand at printing them.  Feel free to contact him with questions or comments.  You can download...
  • 3D printed aquarium filter

  • With most aquariums, you need a filter to remove muck, and also to extract toxins from the water. I used to make filters out of PVC tubing, but i decided to design a filter that would be fully 3D printable, and modular. I may create a separated project...
  • 3D printed frames

  • I designed a couple of frames and stands for the weather station. This was my first time 3D printing and it was really fun to learn and iterate, although the wonder wore off somewhere around the 5th prototype.I've uploaded STLs and the fusion360 files...
  • 3D printable brightness booster

  • Since an improvised cardboard-version of this "brightness booster" showed promising results in this project log (with video), I went into setting up a 3D printable version of the brighntess booster in OpenSCAD. This add-on adresses some...
  • 3D Printing the Mechanical Coupling

  • The plan for the mill is to temporarily convert the X and the Y axis to CNC control using 3D printed parts. Then I should be able to use the 2 axis cnc to machine the final axes conversions. I have got temporary access to a Makerbot 2X which does a great...
  • Laser Cutting v. 3D Printing

  • Hi, The main body plate is laser cut.  It only makes since but although I used 3mm thick acrylic plastic, the body plate could easily be cardboard.  I'm hoping to see somebody laser cutting body plates from regular 3mm thick cardboard...
  • Decentralised Manufacturing: 3D Printed Cases

  • So the question I have been asking myself for a few months now is "should I switch to injection molding for the case?" I'm still 3D printing all of the Tick Tock Timer case and I am able to produce around 30 good quality prints per month using 2x 3D...
  • 3D printing waste and prototyping

  • The picture above shows all the failed parts printed for PAROL6 robot. It was not the printer that failed but the engineer. I will write a short entry on how to reduce waste when 3D printing by doing the right design choices and checks.  * Do not...