
1559 Results for "%EC%9E%A1%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%EB%94%94%EB%B9%84 %ED%85%94%EA%B7%B8%EB%9E%A8 DBmong %ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0abc %E1%92%A4 %EC%9E%A1%ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0%EC%82%AC%ED%96%89%EC%82%B0%EC%97%85 %ED%86%A0%ED%86%A0db%EC%B5%9C%EC%A0%80%EA%B0%80 %E1%92%A3 %EC%8B%A0%EC%9A%A9%EB%94%94%EB%B9%84%ED%8C%90%EB%A7%A4"

  • Measuring pH and ORP with Arduino

  • Using the phidgets pH probe and adapter board connected to the Arduino UNO R3. Arduino Connection From the user guide the adapter pin out is simply GND, 5V, and Analog Input: I connected the adapter cable to 5V and GND on the Arduino and I used the analog...
  • It ticks! for real this time!

  • in my last post I described the new revisions to the main PCB. They have arrived and I've successfully populated a v3.3's a comparison shot of all 3 versions of the PCB:from top to bottom we have: v3.1, v3.2, and v3.3.Basically everything...
  • The ALU of Isetta

  • Which functions do we need in the ALU and how must that be arranged? Well, we need the usual ones: Arithmetic: ADD  (Add two bytes)SUB  (Subtract one byte from the other)INC   (Increment: Add 1 to a byte)DEC  (Decrement: Subtract...
  • 2013-Oct-23 - Rocketometer flight experience

  • The Rocketometer flew into space on 21 October 2013, on board NASA sounding rocket 36.290. The following are notes on its performance, including any glitches or other things to be corrected on the next flight GeneralThe Rocketometer performed as designed...
  • Unbiased Testing

  • The tests I've done so far have indicated that there's something to be gained with pulsed LEDs for efficient glow markers, but the simple by-eye evaluation of relative brightness between the DC-driven and pulsed LEDs may not be very accurate. I've been...
  • #buildinstructions for hardware and software: dayPi

  • These are the build instructions for the dayPi. This is the component of the elephant detection device that will photograph elephants during the daytime, and will provide mobile connectivity!This is the code to run on the dayPi - incorporating all the...
  • TMC5160 motion controller mode

  • The Trinamic TMC5160 has a motion controller mode which is very cool. It allows you to set things like acceleration parameters, destination, speed via SPI, instead of using the STEP / DIR pins. I have been using the TMC5160 SilentStepStick as a board...
  • Measuring video latency with an Arduino

  • For Stereo Ninja testing we need an easy way to measure latency. A simple way is to put a smart phone with a stopwatch app in front of the camera and then take a photo with both the smart phone and the monitor displaying the smart phone on it. Then simply...
  • Understanding the computer - Part 2

  • Here are additional details you need to understand including the Control Pulse Matrix and the instructions.The control pulses are the heart of the system. Each instruction has a sequence of control lines that are activated to cause data to flow through...
  • Past Work

  • My process for designing this project began with the hardware. Arguably the most fun part, I started with a breadboard, as pictured below. After some experimenting and iterating, I finally got to the finished circuit, shown in the breadboard and circuit...