
27 Results for "Dynamixel"

  • Serial Communication on a Hacky Afternoon

  • This might be one of those things we probably did on a lazy afternoon. Or evening. I don't remember. Coming up with ideas when drowsy... Half asleep, half awake. When we got to our senses, we realised had a bunch of code that did the job well, but didn't...
  • On the road again!

  • Tenacity is back on the road!(carpet), fresh from what turned out to be an almost 3 month(-ish) refit.  A good bit of consulting work came barrelling out of nowhere right after the start of the New Year, so I've spent most of the past couple months...
  • Detecting carpet

  • I have started working on autonomously detecting surface unsuitable for a vacuum suction cups. Bellow is a video of robot walking straight until it fails to grip on a carpet and then turns back:As you can see at the end of the video robot fails to grip...
  • Technology readiness level 3

  • This week naminukas reached technology readiness level 3. I was controlling robot with one hand and filming with the other so video is not award winning but it is the first time robot demonstrates all 3 operating modes (walking, driving, climbing):There...
  • New rotation motor & source on GitHub

  • Over the past few weeks I found another, cheaper servo that's still strong enough to rotate the arm: has a built-in encoder, 100N of force,...
  • New Project: Phoebe TurtleBot

  • While my understanding of the open source Robot Operating System is still far from complete, I feel like I’m far enough along to build a robot to run ROS. Doing so would help cement the concepts covered so far and serve as an anchor to help...
  • Found them!

  • Guys and girls!I found where they come from!But no way I'm going to spend 1200USD-3000USD with the robot to test them... (details in a few!)UBTECH have many diferent robots and doing image search of their robots i found this (on just two webpages), look...

  • Arduino is one of those boards that has become synonymous with hacking and making. Since its introduction in 2005, over 700,000 official Arduino boards have been sold, along with untold millions of compatible and clone boards. Hackers and makers around...
  • Hexapod v0.11

  • After creating the first version of a robot construction, inverse kinematic algorithms, basic software and testing workability, the aim is for the next version was to: Develop a forward kinematic algorithmConnect a remote controllerShow the data on a...
  • Inception and motivaton

  • This is the first log recording for Servio, written retrospectively, as in the early days, I was preoccupied with developing the project and did not think about documenting the process. (A habit I find problematic, as writing things down generally helps...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney11:09 AMHi all, Hack Chat starts in about 50 minutes: Dan Maloney11:09 AM HACKADAY Robot Dogs Hack Chat Afreez Gan will host the Hack Chat on Wednesday, September 29 at noon Pacific. Time...