
1971 Results for "esp32 tutorial"

  • ESP32 Interfacing

  • The main controller for this project is an ESP32-WROOM32 microcontroller. The 3.3V power supply from LDO is fed to the 3V3 pin of ESP32 with input filter capacitors C7 and C8. The two resistors R10 and R11 are pull-up resistors for the I2C bus. LED...
  • Programming ESP32

  • At this time I am not quite sure yet what functionality I will be adding to the ESP32 located in the top part of the case. The basic idea is to be able to control the SDR from the knobs and buttons in the keypad. I was thinking of having some sort of...
  • Why ESP32?

  • I had equipped the PCB of the first revision of the pxlDigit_24 with an ESP8285 ESP-01F. This is actually a very powerful microcontroller if you want to set up a project compactly, but at the same time don't want to do without wifi and a lot of...
  • Episode Two: Hardware

  • Since Raspberry Pi is capable of doing all the things like Bluetooth LE and CANBUS, i consider it too easy in execution and too overkill hardware-wise. This project is intended to be a simple, minimalistic device so highly embedded microcontroller with...
  • ESP32 timing

  • Hello World! Finally, the project is ready to go public. If you have any ideas, improvements or comments to share, feel free!During the last days, I struggled a bit with getting the timing for the gray scale output right. Each row has to be activated...
  • ESP32-CAM

  • Since Raspberry Pi's are no longer in my price range, I was looking for a cheaper, more accessible and maybe less power-hungry solution for video monitoring and recording. I got an ESP32-CAM board from Reichelt for about 11 EUR and used the Arduino...
  • ESP32 anyone

  • So the plan is to build around the ESP32. Why? for a few reasons1. Large community of developers: This is the most import reason, as without a community of developers a processor intended to be used by hobbyists is useless without support. Sure...
  • ESP32 WiFi

  • I have managed to have the panel working with ESP32 on a WiFi configuration. I am using two DMX universes. I am still using Jinx because it has a simpler user interface to work with. I have bought a couple of 5-meter WS2812b LED stripes (60 LEDs per...
  • ESP32 code

  • The code is hosted on GitHub, here:, a few words about the repository structure."Arduino"One handy advantage of the ESP32 is that it (partially) supports Arduino libraries. This makes it quite a bit more...
  • WebREPL and Wireless Programming

  • One of the thing I liked about the M5 Stamp was that you could program them wirelessly with minimal effort. This is a great feature for working with robots as you don't need to keep picking them up to reprogram them. This relied on M5's UiFlow software...
  • ESP32 support updates

  • New revision of the ESP32 reference manual released today: next PR will bring ESP32 support via ESP-IDF.