
1293 Results for "kicad"

  • KiCad vs CircuitMaker

  • I originally decided to use KiCad over CircuitMaker for its ability to simulate circuits.  However:Circuits with IC's take a long time to simulate, even if it is quite simpleWhen their is feedback and/or if the IC contains multiple circuit elements...
  • Development with KiCad

  • A picture speaks more than a thousand words .The Brachonida Orgilina Board (UNDER DEVELOPMENT using KiCad), Contains 20 MHz on board crystal, a Chaos Generator, on board stray electric field detector (Hall Sensor - still have to find a suitble amp for...
  • Schematic design with KiCad

  • I haven't properly tried to use KiCad before.  I'm mainly used to using Eagle, but it seems like knowing KiCad would be a very useful skill to have, especially as it's Open Source.The schematic is currently in very early stages, I've added the main...
  • Added Kicad expansion template

  • To facilitate the easy creation of shields, I created a Kicad template project with the board outline and gpio connectors in place. The project can be found here. To use it all you need to do is copy the spartanmini-shield folder into the template directory...
  • Started KiCad layout

  • This is the first project where I use KiCad (version 7.0.2). Schematic entry was quite smooth, but with the pcb layout I experienced some problems. It was difficult to arrange the components on a 0.1" grid. And since I do everything on a 0.1" or 0.05"...
  • KiCAD Library Import

  • KiCAD Library ImportYou can import KiCAD libraries to MeowCAD for use in your projects. These imports are local to your account. Navigating to your 'Portfolio' page and hitting the 'Import' page, you can then select which KiCAD library files you want...
  • Uploaded KiCad and Gerber files

  • I uploaded the Gerber files for the project as well as the KiCad files. I wasn't sure how to get the KiCad project in there so I just zipped up everything that was in my KiCad project directory.If there is a better way to post the KiCad files, I'm all...
  • Switching to Kicad

  • I designed 4 PCBs before this project, two iterations of a guitar amplifier and two ATtiny boards for PCB design introduction lessons and also a demo at work. Those 4 boards I designed with Eagle CAD. Why? I’m not even sure. It was free (as in beer),...
  • PCB design with KiCad

  • We started the PCB design for this project in Fritzing. Since the project started small and simple, it was a satisfactory solution. As the project grew and became more complex, using Fritzing became too cumbersome. A reported bug had tracks disappearing,...
  • First try KiCAD PCB

  • Today I finally got around to try the whole KiCAD workflow. Creating a circuit diagram, one or two new footprints and finally routing a PCB.This is just the first version. Kind of messy and not completely sane design. Display and Arduino Nano v3 go to...
  • Migration to KiCad

  • I recreated the whole project using KiCad, because I feel like it's easier to use than EAGLE. Because of it, I was able to create 3D renders of 10AxisFeatherWing! Also, I recreated the 10AxisFeatherWingLE with much more cheaper parts. Instead of BME280,...
  • Checking the KiCAD PCB

  • Start by asking what are the worst mistakes that could happen, and work downwards from there.For example, check if a hole is in the right place before you check it is the right size.I've seen boards with the wrong size, the components back to front or...
  • Kicad Files posted

  • This posting may seem a little late, but getting this info together is actually a bit of work. But now someone has actually expressed interest in making one of these so I feel I have an obligation to post the design files.Now I don't have much experience...
  • KiCad prototype design

  • Well, I couldn't help myself I guess. 🙂 KiCad 6 had just been released, I was on vacation and sometimes needed to fill some idle time, so I decided this was a nice small project to get some more KiCad experience.  Who knows, maybe if it...