
36512 Results for "%s"

  • S-ROV ledCube casing

  • For waterproofing ledCube pcb, I made a simple case using acrylic. The front of the case will be waterproofed with transparent epoxy and at the same time, the LED light will not be interfered. The interior is filled with thermally conductive epoxy to...
  • Incandescent load(s)

  • I'm still trying to find an active system to cut the power during over-current conditions (with selectable current values).Meanwhile, an additional passive current limiter is easy to implement with plain incandescent light bulbs, you know, the old-school...
  • Soft matter(s)

  • For this year's Hackaday Prize I wanted to try something that has been little researched by the open source robotics community and, at the same time, that is related to my favorite field of robotics, wearable robotics, and has to do with what I think...
  • Plug Panel(s)

  • After a day and a bit of Fusion 360 modelling and twenty-six plus hours of printing, the Plug Panel "panels" are done. Printed in multiple parts to accommodate my print bed, and the text is slightly larger than original to work at 3D printer resolutions,...
  • Link[ed!/s]

  • Hey hey! We got linked! Thankya @dearuserhron and @Arsenijs! #All About Laptop Display Reuse  #Laptop Display Things  Also, this project, frankly, I forgot that I had, here, so most recent updates regarding avr-lvds-lcd and similar hacks...
  • K-9's extras

  • I wanted K-9 to have as many features as I could reasonably install. One feature that I'm particularly proud of is his fully articulating laser cannon nose. It moves in and out as well as pivoting enough to aim at aerial targets (or children that get...
  • Glighter-S - new revision!

  • Glighter now have a new form factor. It is a real coin size this time. My need was to enable the possibility to use smaller boxes, with a better organization. I tried to make the board smaller, more similar to a square, with the output connector rotated...
  • Development Board(s)

  • I actually built 2 development boards for this project.The original was based on a much smaller 8 pin ESP8266 module:The connections between that one and the 16 pin module based board I'm currently using are almost identical:The difference in component...
  • it´s CAD time!

  • I have only shown you the results of the CADing I have been doing for this project. So I thought I could tell you a little about how i made it. I used to make the enclosure. I the imported it into fusion 360. And struggled for two hours...
  • Calibration Method(s)

  • 15 July 2018Just a brief note on calibration. In addition to the calibration plate I designed (which has not been terribly useful) there is this note on calibration using a CFL (mercury vapor light) from the site, who sell their own inexpensive...
  • W15's Sunday

  • Momentous! We finally succeeded in installing the belts of our x and y-axis. Week after week, our gear holder kept fracturing, and the frame always had a slight tilt, preventing it from moving back and forth on the y-axis smoothly. Today, we...
  • NE555's 50th Anniversary

  • I was considering what to make according to the plot "I want to put the spotlight on NE555 which is the main character and express its function simply and elegantly".When I researched the specification of NE555, I found that I could configure the on/off...
  • S/P Nomenclature

  • Just reading some forums, realized I should probably clarify my baseline battery would be called 2P 16S, implying a single 48V battery and BMS, with 2 cells paralleled then strung in series.Apparently the ? common ? nomenclature would mean 16S 2P would...
  • Core state machine(s)

  • Update 20200711 : superseded by log 106. FSM update"Meanwhile..." I'm considering writing a quick&dirty&short behavioural simulation of the Y8 core to get a refreshed higher level view (as well as an alternate platform that simulates faster to try code...
  • Making S-ROV ledCube

  • We will attach the led lighting device in front of the ROV. Since the tube which the electric devices are inserted is elongated in the front and back direction, the lighting device cannot enter the tube. So I'm thinking of placing it on the outside of...