
90479 Results for "《〈 문의 OIO↗5793↗7458 》〉 초콜릿셔츠룸㈁ ジinvolvedŊ강남셔츠룸초콜릿강남셔츠룸초콜릿∝gravity 초콜릿셔츠룸초콜릿가라오케 강남초콜릿ㅍ초콜릿셔츠룸↓famous⒟"

  • Photomultiplier experiment

  • Eventually the tube is getting the present age. The tube is "photomultiplier", which is famous for the high-sensitive photon detector in Super Kamiokande (detect micro-weak light from Cherenkov radiation in a big water pool.) The tube...
  • Sound design

  • It's a small detail, but I think it's worth talking about briefly.Simon is an audio-visual game. Each button has a color and a sound associated with it (that Симон abuses that rule doesn't change it). In the original Simon, the...
  • Planning the layout

  • The frame start to get populated: 50 might be a little number of relays but surely is already providing quite an intricate mess of wires and a lot of headaches if not properly planned (and even if properly planned): at least let's try to manage at best!...
  • Life - a tribute

  • To make this project more accessible to other people I put together some drivers and support code so gCore could more easily work with good graphics libraries like LittlevGL and FabGL as well as be programmable in the ESP32 Arduino environment. ...
  • v2.1 is out

  • v2.1 has been release a few days ago but i somehow forgot to promote it:Changelog:update kiplot to kibot v0.7.0 *.kiplot.yaml files now have to be called *.kibot.yaml!path of pcbdraw changed, please use: style: '/usr/share/pcbdraw/styles/jlcpcb-green-hasl.json'libs:...
  • Maker Faire Pilsen

  • Pilsen city, famous as the place where lager beer was invented, hosted a Maker Faire event in the beginning of June. L2Camera project was selected for this first after-the-lockdown event! There were many makers showing their projects and crafts. My attention...
  • Running on the real thing

  • After finishing the simple hardware version I started coding  on a Gameboy emulator to try to display time and play "a-russian-tune-that-looks-like-a-famous-game-music-that-gets-a-lot-of-copyright-complaints"The controls are :button A            ...
  • PDP-10 style DDT

  • I forgot to mention this earlier, but the 8080 emulator can be started in debug mode by passing -D on the command line.  This enters a PDP-10 style DDT.  The DDT family of debuggers originated at MIT and was popular on all DEC machines.  Of...
  • Day 0: How it's started

  • After I got mine hands on some Homebrew Z80 system, and watching some famous videos about 6502 I understood that I want to build my own thing. The decision to make something based on 68000 came from unrealised childhood desire to get Sega Mega Drive...
  • Putting together the terminal and umbilical!

  • Time to splice the hdmi cable for the umbilical. I've been dreading this and am super intimidated but here goes nothing. I'm terrible at this but it's coming together. The connector is dirty and I should have cleaned it. The joints are all terrible,...

  • This is a working solution for the famous fizz-buzz coding interview question.using string; using utils; b = string_Builder; forRange(1, 101, (i) { i % 3 == 0 ? b.putStr("fizz"); i % 5 == 0 ? b.putStr("buzz"); b.pos == 0 ? b.putInt(i); sys_log(b.newLine().toStr());...
  • Components ordered.

  • I have ordered the following soil moisture sensors for testing:-Gravity Soil Moisture sensor This sensor's surface is gold plated using an immersion electrolysis process. Compared to conventional soil moisture sensors, it should last longer. I'm expecting...
  • Jump Correction

  • In my previous post I mentioned the work-energy theorem, but I made a slight mistake when using it in the calculations... That states that the total work done by all forces acting on a body is equal to the change in kinetic energy, but of course that...
  • Overview

  • Small, light flying robots designed for use in pressurized space environments.  Main propulsion should be fans (though there may be problems with micro-gravity and inertial moments of fans).  The first phase systems will use micro-controller...