
230 Results for "천안오피링크➯www,optime4.com천안오피 천안마사지 ➯ 천안오피ᙃ 천안오피오프ᙃ 천안휴게텔 천안키스방 타임"

  • Using docker-compose and systemd

  • Summary Here, I define a group of related services (in this case, nginx and php-fpm) using the 'docker-compose' tool.  This allows us to start (and restart) collections of related containers at once.  I also define a systemd 'unit' that will...
  • Using An Existing Image (nginx)

  • Summary We do something a little more interesting by using a curated image with a useful application running inside.  In this case, we run nginx as our web server. Deets The Dockerhub is a great place to look for images that have already been created...
  • Triacs do not like me.

  • I guess i should post about where i am stuck.I am missing some concept of current flow and I cant seam to get it working.I found this as a reference, and started protypeing with its power supply and triac driving curcit.
  • MRRF2017

  • Minus some massive sleep deprivation related flailing, MRRF2017 went off well. Drove the printer to the show directly from Tampa and arrived Saturday morning, where at one point I had to look up how to use software that I had written.This time we brought...
  • Capturing initial thoughts

  • So far all I've done on this project is capture some initial thoughts and possible components. I'm transferring those (raw) notes here:The idea is to build into a kite a system that measures various parameters and reports them to an Adafruit IO page...
  • Tx with fewer parts

  • The FlipFlops use a significant amount of parts so the fewer, the better !There is not much to do for the receive part but the emitter could get a little fewer latches. The initial design uses 3 latches per bit, or 24 latches (72 transistors overall)....
  • Sniffing logic.

  • Crash course in SPI logic sniffing:1.) Buy a Bus Pirate.2.) Read this page.3.) Download this program.4.) Open this project in that program.5.) Connect your Bus Pirate.6.) Hook up the wires to your I/O7.) Go to Capture > Begin Capture (re. step 2)8.)...
  • New Release v.0.1.13

  • A new software release is out:fixed issue #3 server hangs when laser not detectedfixed issue #12 internet connection is no longer needed, added font-awsome fonts to wwwscanner does start even if serial or camera connection fails, a message is shown in...
  • mqtt - because reasons

  • sudo apt-get install mosquitto mosquitto-clients sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 -yIt's time I work myself into it. Here's a little bash script, that I've added to my cronjob list for logging the temperature of the raspberry. I...
  • Data Collection & Grafana

  • Using the information that I reverse engineered, I developed a Python2.7 library that can emulate a MATE device through a normal UART port. You can find more details about it on my website blog post: pymate.I set this library running on a small light-weight...
  • SMA connector fits!

  • I'm downgrading from the $6.50 Molex SMA connector to the cheaper AliExpress, eBay variety with 0.4mm gap between the GND pins. Some 20 of them finally arrived from an eBay order today to verify the PCB footprint I made, and it fits!Note: ignore those...
  • appropriate versions

  • pi@raspberrypi ~ $ nginx -V nginxversion: nginx/1.4.1 built by gcc 4.9.2 (Raspbian 4.9.2-10) TLS SNI support enabled configure arguments: --prefix=/var/www --sbin-path=/usr/sbin/nginx --conf-path=/etc/nginx/nginx.conf --pid-path=/var/run/ --error-log-path=/var/log/nginx/error.log...
  • Program Code v0.1 [outdated]

  • UPDATE: This log is outdated. See Program Code v0.2 for new version.My python script is the /var/www/cgi/knockknock.wsgi. If you wan to run it, you can call http://your_ip_address/knockknock. You can send a pattern to make music. For example http://your_ip_address/knockknock?pattern=1-0.5-1-0.5-4-1....