
99 Results for "cern"

  • Caption CERN Contest Week 20 Winner

  • As week 20 comes to a close, we can say that this scientist may have been a bit sleepy from all his hard work, but all our caption writers certainly were not! Thank's to everyone who stayed up late and entered. Whiteboards and their associated dry erase...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 7 Winner

  • You had an extra day this week, and some great quotes (though we'd love to see more of them!)The Funnies:"Are Socks and Sandals acceptable safety equipment for the Demolition Pit? Yes, because these are Kelvar socks and Zylon sandals being testing. Quite...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 10 Winner

  • Week 10 is a wrap folks! Our surprised scientist brewed up a ton of great captions from all of you here on We may never know what exactly is in that keg/carboy, or what the heck is draining into that bucket. Still, it's probably safe to...
  • Caption CERN Contest Week 11 Winner

  • Week 11 has flown by faster than the mullet or hammer pants. Thank you for all the wonderful captions. Some of our astute readers noticed that this week's image actually worked as cross view 3D image. This was unintentional, but a pretty cool bonus....
  • Licenses

  • Now that I'm finishing the first phase of documentation for this project, I think I need to specify the exact licenses I'm using for the project. I state CERN Open Hardware and Creative Commons, but there are multiple variants of these. So for clarification:Hardware...
  • A bit of a break...

  • After 25 great weeks of the Caption CERN Contest, it's time to take a bit of a break. The Hackaday Prize competition is really heating up, along with plenty of other work here at Hackaday HQ. I've said it each week, but I have to give one more big thank...
  • licenses...

  • just noticed that i didn't add a license text to the github repository, which one to pick...- the CERN Open Hardware License looks interesting ( )- so does the (L)GPL... but the former only seems to cover hardware...
  • Finalized Rev 1.1

  • Finished routing V1.1 boards and made some other minor changes such as reduced BoM from 20 to 17 unique components, fixed some minor schematic issues and cleaned up the silkscreen. V1.1 changes merged into master branch in the repository. I also changed...
  • Licenses

  • The main idea of the concept to build a bookscanner which moves a book face-down over linear sensors to capture page images, and uses vacuum pressure to turn pages automatically as the book moves came from Dany Qumsiyeh August 22nd 2012 under the Apache...
  • PCB design with KiCad

  • We started the PCB design for this project in Fritzing. Since the project started small and simple, it was a satisfactory solution. As the project grew and became more complex, using Fritzing became too cumbersome. A reported bug had tracks disappearing,...
  • Part 4 - by Shlonkin

  • Cern sat down at the tiny desk the ISD had assigned to him and began sifting through the various files on Kip Heren that he had loaded from the population database. There wasn't much there besides a brief bio, port records, ship registration and a couple...
  • An unexpected boost

  • It was a big surprise to receive an email from one of the good folks at CERN.Even more a surprise when the email says that this library is used for post-synthesis simulation with GHDL !Even better is the contribution that fills the blanks and adds about...
  • A tool for scientists

  • Since I have entered this project into the Citizen Scientist round for the Hackaday Prize I want to make a case for its inclusion. Reproducibility is a core principle of the Scientific Method and as a community of electronic experimenters we have a problem:...