
1293 Results for "kicad"

  • Schematic and KiCad fun

  • Hey there, I'm back and still living ...The last couple of days I was finishing off with the schematic and starting out with board layout. Here is the (almost) finished schematic:Small details might still change as I'm finishing up the board layout if...
  • KICAD schematic of WICE-4M

  • I have been working on a schematic in KICAD  I did not like DesignSpark  version. I have living in the Linux Mint world since my Windows 10 machine for some reason stopped working. So if  KICAD works on both platforms I will use that. ...
  • KiCad circuit diagram

  • I haven't had a proper circuit diagram for FATCAT until now. Previously I've been getting by with a Fritzing breadboard sketch. It does the job as reference for my own use, but it doesn't connect up properly for every component. I've taken a few hours...
  • working in KiCad

  • The original footprint of the keyboard buttons comes in these interlocking C-shapes. New to KiCad I wondered if it would be even possible to generate something like this. Turns out you can create custom shaped footprints like this in the footprint editor....
  • I Switched to KiCad

  • KiCad Since I hear Eagle is going to get consumed by Fusion 360, I decided I should give KiCad a try for PCB design. I love Fusion 360, but if I'm going to have to learn a new workflow, might as well use an open source one that's pretty widely praised....
  • Cook'n with KiCad

  • Re-creation of Mike's using a surface mount version of the 595 IC chip. I'm using the original Front/Back Copper layers from Voja's Gerbers and adding the surface mount pads for the...
  • Schematic and Kicad Project

  • I have made one prototype of the TSensor board using the PCBA service from Macrofab. The prototype cost was about 120$, however the unit price for a small batch of 50 boards is about 40$. Prototype is fully functional and was tested with a Pmod TMP3...
  • KiCad + FreeCAD Class 1

  • Here is the link to watch Class 1. In this class, we cover: 00:00:32 - Schematic walk through00:03:28 - Project Manager overview00:05:05 - EEschema, toolbar review00:12:00 - Start schematic process00:13:20 - Place parts00:18:50 - Place wires / connections00:21:35...
  • KiCad + FreeCAD Class 3

  • Here is the link to watch Class 3. In this class, we cover: 00:00 Intro 02:20 Dimensions, Origin offsets05:30 Interactive Routing06:55 Modify edge cuts10:15 Archive footprints in custom library and swap references16:15 Keepout Areas, Exposed zones23:45...
  • KiCad layout lessons

  • I learned something really important with KiCad today.  Whatever you do, if the assign components dialog asks you if you want to annotate and renumber your components, do NOT do it if you've already routed the board.  I thought it...
  • New Schematics- Enter KiCAD

  • I've tested out the PCBs now and they are GREAT!  for my first attempt I am super pleased that they work as intended and now reside in some developing new 3D printed enclosures.  With those done I wanted to finalize the schematics and...
  • More KiCad design

  • Trevor continued the KiCad layout, adding a simple power supply and RF bandpass filter.The power supply uses two 9v batteries to generate about 15-18v input but another battery source (such as a rechargeable LiPo pack) could easily be substituted provided...
  • KiCad + FreeCAD Class 2

  • Here is the link to watch Class 2. In this class, we cover :  00:00:00 - Session II Overview and Session I review00:04:15 - Bitmap to Component converter00:09:40 - Symbol - Footprint association00:15:20 - Create footprint library and import/add...