
36512 Results for "S 토토추천업체 CDDC7.COM ♪보너스코드 B77♪토토피지컬ྪ피망포커쿠폰☸카지노직업⋔실시간tv중계ڢ토토추천업체사랑 dissimilarity/"

  • Wifi Printing

  • The MalyanM200/Monoprice Mini has an interesting feature in that it supports wifi printing - the ability to connect Cura or something similar via wifi and print directly that way. This is accomplished via  combination of features, starting with...
  • First Prototype

  • Having done a rough design of the MicroGrid Connection Unit, the next step was to build it on a breadboard and start writing some code. I decided to use a regular Arduino Nano for the first phase, in order to not risk breaking the Nano33 IoT. They are...
  • Log#72 : The last post

  • By whygee on Thursday 16 January 2020, 17:50 - Updates and news This is the last post of this blog on this platform. My hosting company discontinues its free blogging service so I have to move the archives to another place, probably
  • Labviewing: motor control

  • On a previous post I already discussed why I chose Labview to create a prototype. I like how it very quickly and easily allows you to create a prototype. I've installed the free (for non-commercial and non-academic) community version 2020.
  • Inverter Gate Drive and Switching

  • I’ve written about the inverter’s transformer design and current management scheme in other logs so I figured I round it off with one on the gate drive and transistors.LayoutA big goal in this design was a reduced layout in terms of both physical space...
  • COM in BIOS? Not Anymore.

  • The Problem Well, that was a fun experiment, and I managed to get everything working; but, I had to remove COM from the BIOS.  The problem was that, with MGIA video buffer spanning $10000-$13E7F, I only have 384 bytes for the BIOS to use between...
  • CoM, prop clearance, and BOM

  • I calculated GimbalBot's center of mass and temporarily added a bright green disk to show its location on the model:I'm happy with that. During stabilization corrections, the craft will rotate roughly around that point. As was discussed at the beginning...
  • Board-to-board connection

  • The final design will use the 100-pins Hirose FX8-100 connector. The PDF contains these pictures, to give you a rough idea :The stacking height is only 3mm between two boards. Actually it will vary because the PCB wil bend ;) but pairs of PCB can be...