
1293 Results for "kicad"

  • InkScape/KiCAD drawing toolchain

  • The first test of the plotter, this one: was done with the following software toolchain: I draw that spiral with InkScape, saved as DXF and converted with the DXF2GCODE software from Tried to use a...
  • Signal Input and KiCad Update

  • Got Case code and datasheet link for all resistors and capsusing SOIC-14 footprint for LM324 op ampDrafted all filters onto KiCad schematic with correct footprints for all componentsAudio Input -  will use mono audio input, male & female connectors...
  • Eagle to KiCAD Library Conversion

  • Eagle to KiCAD Library ConversionMeowCAD uses an older version of KiCAD's board format and it's useful for MeowCAD to have a conversion from Eagle the older KiCAD version. In addition, it's useful to add some 'default' components and footprints from...
  • KiCad Design Files and .GBRs

  • I have uploaded an archive of the KiCad Design files and .GBRs for this project. Please note that at the current state, the hardware has only been designed, but not built or tested. Because of this, I can not guarantee that hardware will work 100% as...
  • KiCad Design Files and .GBRs

  • I have uploaded an archive of the KiCad Design files and .GBRs for this project. Please note that at the current state, the hardware has only been designed, but not built or tested. Because of this, I can not guarantee that hardware will work 100% as...
  • KiCad Design Files and .GBRs

  • I have uploaded an archive of the KiCad Design files and .GBRs for this project. Please note that at the current state, the hardware has only been designed, but not built or tested. Because of this, I can not guarantee that hardware will work 100% as...
  • KiCad Design Files and .GBRs

  • I have uploaded an archive of the KiCad Design files and .GBRs for this project. Please note that at the current state, the hardware has only been designed, but not built or tested. Because of this, I can not guarantee that hardware will work 100% as...
  • KiCad Design Files and .GBRs

  • I have uploaded an archive of the KiCad Design files and .GBRs for this project. Please note that at the current state, the hardware has only been designed, but not built or tested. Because of this, I can not guarantee that hardware will work 100% as...
  • STL to kicad to gerber

  • There was a guy who transferred a DXF file from fusion 360 to kicad, 4 years ago.   It's now the File->import->Graphics dialog.  Helas, these vector graphics formats are limited to sketches while the traces in the camera board are fusions...
  • KiCad + FreeCAD Class 1 NOTES

  • Additional Notes for Session 1 : KiCad + FreeCAD GIT REPO Here's a link to my GIT repo for review. VIEW FOOTPRINT IN SCHEMATIC LIBRARY BROWSER In EEschema Library Browser, if you see only the schematic...
  • Flex cable design in kicad

  • It might have been Dave Jones or Louis Rossmann, but there was a rumor about a guy who photographed a cable & instantly got a gerber file out of it for a new cable.  It's not that easy.  There's parallax distortion in a photo.  The edges...