
855 Results for "IoT"

  • Transcript: Hacking Voice UIs

  • Stephen Tranovich12:05 PMHello hello hello, everybody, and welcome to another epic Hack Chat. This week we're talking about hacking voice user interfaces with @Nadine ! Thom12:05 PMThank you for putting this chat together. Stephen Tranovich12:05 PM@Nadine...
  • Badgelife HackChat Transcript

  • Whitney Merrill Hi! I'm Whitney I founded the Crypto & Privacy Village. I somehow stumbled into #badgelife.bitstr3m bitsr3m here, 1/5 of AND!XORHyr0n Hi! I am Hyr0n, 1/5 Whiskey 1/5 AND!XOR, I enjoy long walks on the beachLutetium lolWhitney Merrill...
  • (edited) Transcript for ESP32 HackChat

  • Jørgen Kragh Jakobsen says:16 minutes agoHi spriteSprite_tm says:14 minutes agoSo, I'm kinda new to these kind of chats... what's the idea, I just start answering the things in the spreadsheets? Or are you going to pelt me with questions live? I'm...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney12:01 PMWell let's get started. I want to welcome Simon Jansen to the Hack Chat today. He's he to talk about his awesome Enigma watch builds, but he's got a TON of other hacks under his belt too. So I'm sure we'll have a ton of questions for...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dhrupal R Shah11:56 AMHi @Clarissa Redwine We had made a prototyping platform evive. The first version was launched in 2017 on a crowdfunding platform. Now we have upgraded it with better functionalities and now we have our own supporting software (PictoBlox,...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 2

  • BSA Secure12:31 PM@RichardCollins I'm playing with Viasat Surfbeam 2 modems and their TRIA's (Outdoor units) that supports Input (RX) Frequency 18.3 to 20.2 GHz Output (TX) Frequency 28.1 to 30.0 GHz. I'm getting them on various none-ebay portals for...
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Hi everyone, welcome to the Hack Chat. We're excited to have @Mohit Bhoite | मोहित भोईटे today to talk about his wonderful circuit sculptures. If you haven't seen them, you should check them out at
  • Hack Chat Transcript, Part 1

  • Dan Maloney12:00 PMOK, let's get going. Welcome, one and all, and thanks for coming out today. I'm Dan and I'll be moderating today with Dusan as usual as we welcome Eireann Leverett to the Hack Chat to talk about SCADA Security. I've really been looking...