
8219 Results for "3D printing"

  • 3. 3D Printing

  • As i don't own some sort of cutter i just went with 3D Printing. I will probably add the Letters to Thingieverse so you can do that (PITA) to yourself :-DSince i wanted to have the Clock like half a meter wide each Letterbox has a outer dimension of...
  • 3D Printing

  • 3D Printing: Having never owned a 3D printer, I purchased a printer and started taking my modeling abilities to the next level.   After learning a few important lessons in 3D printing (mistakes), I was up and running.  It takes a day or more...
  • Selecting a 3D printer

  • I have access to a pair of shared Prusa printers: an i3 MK2 and an i3 MK3 models. I've been using these printers for two years and not only learned how to print, but also how to calibrate the printers, do troubleshooting, maintenance and repair (shared...
  • 3D Printing a Gear Train

  • We printed a gear reduction unit to connect the peristaltic pump with the worm gear motor. Through testing we realized that our tiny 100 rpm motor did not have enough torque to turn our enlarged peristaltic pump and this is our solution!
  • 3D Printer

  • I haven't updated in awhile. I got a new job this summer working for a startup, and moved cross country to Florida. That soaked up most of my time, but I have made some progress on the project. Given my limited time, I made a big mistake with how I...
  • 3D printed prototype

  • Finally, I got around printing the first motor prototype. The frame is here, I still need to find the coil, a 5mm shaft, screws and possibly bearings. I have some small magnets that should do it for the proof of concept.The stator coil holders were printed...
  • 3D printed helmet

  • The head of the robot was designed in Fusion 360. It's composed of 6 parts, which were printed in white PLA with 0.2mm resolution. Total printing time: 14 hours.A cabeça do robô foi projetada usando o Fusion 360. Ela é composta de 6 partes,...
  • volumetric 3D printing

  • As described on Hackaday and Sci-hub, a new volumetric printing method has been described which uses two colors.A light sheet with a 375 nm laser diode and DLP projection between 450-700 nm. The prism scanner can also be used to accomplish this. Basically,...
  • 3D Printed Lancing Tools

  • August 8, 2017 | ProgressTH Lancing tools are used for breaking open blisters and sores, and in this case, breaking only one to take a sample for diagnosis. We don't really think that 3D printing is good for this application, but the national children's...
  • Happiness, Scaling, 3D Printing

  • It's been a fun few days on the project.I spoke with a group that connects non-profits with needs to makers with skills. That could turn out to be a really good way to get more dementia-friendly music players to people that need them.I talked with a...