
1971 Results for "esp32 tutorial"

  • ESP32 with SGTL5000

  • HardwareThe SGTL5000 uses a virtual ground for the audio outputs.  This likely makes it unsuitable for use in smartphone headsets in which the ground of the microphone is shared with the audio output.  To be tested. NodeMCU-32SAdafruit 1780...
  • Code for the ESP32

  • I have had this sitting on my USB for a while and just forgot to push it to github. firsts initializes all the needed pins then both radio modules before registering two interrupt routines. The...
  • The ESP32 control unit

  • i used the ESP32 beacuse of all the possibilities it has. But its a little bit more complicated to use it than a simple Atmega/Attiny. You have to shut it down, send him to boot mode while starting and then reset after a sucessful upload to bring it...
  • ESP32 to the Rescue

  • On a whim I decided to put a LILYGO T-Display S3 into the mix and see if it didn't behave better. The code shouldn't require a change between hardware platforms thanks to the hardware abstraction layer in the Arduino development platform.I hit upload...
  • Esp32 and OLED. Possible?

  • Shortly after the joy of 3D printing my first ever parts, I realised that I still havent been able to get my 64x32 OLED working with my Esp32. Maybe I just need to spend more time on it. Also having trouble trying to find a minimum configuration because...
  • The ESP32 Arrived

  • Today the ESP32 arrived, and I was surprised by how small it was! I was both pleasantly surprised by the small form factor, as well as horrified of what soldering I had ahead of me...The ESP32 has 38 pads surrounding it, on 3 sides. It is far from breadboard...
  • FLipMouse Upgrade - ESP32

  • Dear followers, dear interested AT enthusiasts,sorry for this long delay, we are not very good at doing social media ;-)Anyway, we are working quite hard on our FLipMouse.If we had a look at our current design, we saw it is already quite stuffed with...
  • Catching up to current state

  • I'm starting this log about 80% of the way through the project, so I'll attempt to re-create the timeline faithfully. First off, I started by building Billiam's Sherbet Keypad ( I won't...
  • Basic support of ESP32

  • Release 2.1.1 adds support of ESP32 platform.Use Arduino IDE and toolchain from configuration changes to start playing:1. config.hpp// Arduino IO module #define CONF_MODULE_ARDUINOIO 0 ... // Input...
  • Finished the ESP32 integration

  • ESP32 integration and refactoring from the ESP8266 is done. Uses XBM thumbnail rendering as a response from PHP Upload endpoint if you want to use a Board with Oled.  Please refer to this issue to see the JSON example: