
1017 Results for "Q 텍사스홀덤9 cddc7_com ☏프로모션코드 B77☏영덕 1xbet⅕북중미골드컵ହ아시아축구Ệ빅카지노2ƛ텍사스홀덤9리뷰 indianocean/"

  • Debugging microcoded designs

  • Microcoding as a technique is very much aligned with "test-driven development" concept. Essentially it means first to build the scaffolding needed to test the circuit, and then the circuit itself. Just like the microcoding itself, the advantage here...
  • We got UART!

  • I did this as soon as I got the router. I first took a look at the board and tried to find a serial port of some kind following devttys0's excellent guide. I took me a while to realize that the port wasn't any of the empty slots I so much tried to use,...
  • Dicker with Docker

  • Summary Just exploring some Docker basics, with a bent towards Raspberry Pi when relevant. Deets The path to here is long and tortuous.  Multics. Unix. VAX. 386. V86 mode. chroot. Solaris Zones. cgroups. LXC. and now, Docker. The concept is similar...
  • Back to the source

  • I've found the source code! It was on an older laptop that got passed along and that I happened to get on my desk for some updates. Anyway, glad to have it. Now I can improve on it, add OTA, MQTT-autodiscover etc.  And try to ignore the big cringe...
  • A C Standard Library for BoxLambda.

  • BoxLambda is a hardware-software cross-over project (see About BoxLambda). The previous posts have been mostly about hardware (as far as FPGA logic can be considered hardware). This post will be about software for a change. I would like to bring up the...
  • Project Log 55: DIY Hydrogen Fuel Cell.

  • Sunday, 18/06/2023, 18:25 Soooo... I don't even know why I'm writting this project log, I really don't think that I will have the money, nor the mental fortitude and determination to go through with this project, but for some reason, I keep going forward....
  • Section #3 & Swing Arm #3

  • I have started section #3, levels 120 through 180. The structure is printing up well, no need for modifications so far. As it turns out the levels 140, 160 and 180 all have the same floor beams and legs. I didn't plan it that way, its just the way it...